my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1315 No Junk Food

Chapter 1315 No Junk Food

This night, Guo Mei's three views were completely subverted!

It turns out that my cousin's friends are all so powerful and amazing!
Guo Mei secretly made up her mind that she can no longer target her cousin in the future, and must have a good relationship with her cousin and her husband!

But the next moment, after she thought of one thing, she immediately put on a sad face again, lowered her head and began to sigh: "Oh no! I haven't taken Sister Xue's clothes yet! After such a long delay, the door must be closed now. If I Tell her that I was captured by a monster, will Sister Xue believe it? Woohoo, what should I do..."

Chu Bailian found a secret place, and after dispelling the illusion, she returned to the set.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw her come back.

For everyone's curious inquiries, Chu Bailian just made up a few words and prevaricated them.

Soon after, Guo Mei also came back.She nervously explained to Chu Bailian that there was an accident on the road, so she didn't have time to get back her clothes.What made Guo Mei feel relieved was that Chu Xue didn't ask too much or get angry, but just told her to be careful in the future.

Chu Bailian was annoyed right now.

Being escaped from the hands of a little monster who was not too strong made her feel extremely unhappy.

In addition, this little demon almost killed Mo Xiaotong's cousin!If Guo Mei was really raped, killed and sucked blood by this bat monster, what face would she have to face Mo Xiaotong and Shen Donghe again? !

No, for public or private purposes, for love and reason, she must catch that damned bat demon!

Make it pay for this thing!

Until the time she went back, Chu Bailian was thinking about this matter in her heart.

However, after a long night, she couldn't think of any good solution.

The next day, Chu Bailian decided to tell Mo Xiaotong about the matter.

Although Guo Mei is safe and sound, she has been in danger before, and her cousin Mo Xiaotong has the right to know.


City H.

Mo Xiaotong, who was wandering around, was passing by a small mala tang shop.

Originally, she had already walked over, but when she smelled the incomparably alluring aroma wafting from inside, she couldn't help sniffing, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Then she looked inside with twinkling eyes.

His feet were stuck on the ground as if they had taken root, and he couldn't even move.

In the mouth, some kind of liquid called saliva was continuously secreted.

It smells so good!

The baby really wants to eat it!

Mo Xiaotong unknowingly raised one foot and was about to step inside.


A figure flickered, and it was already firmly blocking her way.

It was as if in front, suddenly there was a closed and firm door.

"Your Majesty, God has ordered that during his absence, for the sake of the health of the child in your womb, you are not allowed to eat all kinds of junk food at will." Hou Qing's voice sounded suddenly.

Mo Xiaotong suddenly rolled his eyes, gritted his teeth, and said bitterly: "I know! I just smell the fragrance, can't I?"

"Your Majesty, please do whatever you want." Hou Qing stood there, as motionless as a mountain peak.

It's like you can smell it if you want to smell it, but you can't eat it.

Mo Xiao went crazy like a child, and asked loudly: "But along the way, you didn't allow me to eat anything? How do you know what is considered junk food? What standard do you use to judge junk food?"

Immediately afterwards, she saw Houqing pull out a long list several meters long from the space...

(End of this chapter)

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