my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1334 The Appearance of the Bat Demon

Chapter 1334 The Appearance of the Bat Demon

They smiled obscenely, and approached Lin Qingfeng eagerly.

Lin Qingfeng suddenly flew into a rage, and said angrily: "I warn you, don't force me to take action!"

But even though he is a yin sect, he is very powerful, but with this attire of a big man in women's clothing, his threatening power has dropped by more than half. In addition, several men have been dazzled by lust, and there is no one who wants to retreat mean.

"Oh, the little beauty is really fierce, really super fierce."

"You guys are so scared!"

"You still call yourself a young master, I think he's a little bitch..."

Lin Qingfeng couldn't take it anymore.

His eyes sank, and he said coldly: "Three...two..."

"Huh? What three-two, what mess?" The men laughed lewdly, and even stretched out their hands to touch Lin Qingfeng.

"One!" Lin Qingfeng exploded as soon as the word "one" fell.

Ping ping pong beat up several men, without mercy!
These men are obviously not good things.If what they met today was not him, but a girl who was alone, what would happen to the girl is unimaginable!
Therefore, apart from not taking their lives, Lin Qingfeng was not polite at all, and beat them to death in two or three blows, and they had to lie on the bed for half a year.

If he hadn't been worried that the bat demon might appear at any time, he would have left them with even more unforgettable and unforgettable memories!

After Lin Qingfeng finished venting, he left those men on the side of the road and continued walking.

After a while.

"Here we come!" Chu Bailian came suddenly by voice transmission!

Lin Qingfeng shuddered all over!
Sure enough, the evil spirit all around faintly permeated.

Not far away, the bat demon appeared.

In its eyes, there was a faint demon fire, flickering on and off, looking at Lin Qingfeng, with an extremely intoxicated and obsessed look on his face.

"It smells so good..." The bat demon stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

I just feel that the other party exudes a scent that is very attractive to it, making it feel extremely comfortable. This feeling is quite intoxicating.

The extremely sweet smell of blood is extremely sweet.

What makes it even more satisfying is that this female human is also extremely beautiful, and is the most beautiful female it has seen during this period of time, except for the female zombie.

At this moment, the bat demon was a little reluctant to suck up the opponent's blood. It decided to raise this female human as its own blood bank and slave, and then enjoy it every day...

Well, just thinking about it, I feel so happy!
After making up his mind, the bat demon showed an extremely evil smile, and rushed towards Lin Qingfeng fiercely!

While jumping, it made a weird scream while waiting for the expression of fear and fear on the opponent's face!

That's right, it likes to see its target fall into extreme fear when it sees itself.

That will make its pleasure even more intense!
However, just as the distance between it and the other party is getting closer and closer, it will pounce on the other party in the next moment.

Batman noticed something strange.

The beautiful female human on the opposite side looked at it with a face full of indifference.

No, on the contrary, the eyes are extremely bright, that feeling...

It's like watching a big meal automatically delivered to your door!

(End of this chapter)

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