my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1346 You Come Here

Chapter 1346 You Come Here
Isn't the Maoshan sect always known as the famous and authentic sect, and it's their duty to cast down ghosts and eliminate demons?

Or, seeing that this ghost is a little girl, he can't be cruel?

This little furry boy,

Still too...young, too innocent, too soft-hearted.

Chu Bailian thought so in her heart, but she was too lazy to do anything, so she suppressed the coercion, just stood there, and casually watched Lin Qingfeng's actions behind her.

Rain is heavy.

Bigger and bigger, overwhelming, everywhere.

Without Chu Bailian's enchantment, Lin Qingfeng's body was instantly drenched.

But he didn't care.

After walking in front of the little female ghost, he took out a talisman from the talisman bag at his waist, activated it, and stuck it on the little girl's forehead.

The moment the light on the talisman paper flickered.

From the little girl's opened mouth, a surprised voice suddenly came out, speaking intermittently.

" me?"

Lin Qingfeng said: "Yes, I am a Yin master."


Hearing Lin Qingfeng's words, the little girl opened her mouth wide and continued to speak.

In the bulging dull eyes, two anxious tears flowed down.

"Where is your sister?"

In the heavy rain, Lin Qingfeng squatted down and said to the girl in the red skirt seriously, "Take me to see, if I can help, I will definitely help."

The little girl in the red dress seemed to understand, turned around slowly, and walked in one direction.

Lin Qingfeng was about to follow, when he turned around suddenly, and grinned at Chu Bailian: "I'm so sorry, I have to break my promise, I can't take you to the hotel, can you go back by yourself? I'll go and see with her! "

Chu Bailian was slightly taken aback.

She saw that Lin Qingfeng's hair in front of his forehead was all wet by the rain at this moment, and strands of hair were draped on his white and smooth forehead. The rainwater slid down the top of his head to his forehead, cheeks, bridge of nose, and chin...

He looked as if he had just been fished out of the water, looking terribly embarrassed.

But this smile was extremely brilliant, like sunlight, shooting straight into the bottom of her eyes.


After Lin Qingfeng followed the girl in the red dress for a few steps,
Can't help but look back again.

Then, suddenly startled!
He suddenly saw that Chu Bailian was quietly following him not far away!

Lin Qingfeng stared at Chu Bailian in shock and yelled.

Chu Bailian glanced at him, but said nothing.

Lin Qingfeng's small face twitched and said, "You, why are you following me without saying a word, trying to scare me to death?!" He asked curiously, "Didn't you go back to the hotel?"

Chu Bailian said indifferently: "I don't have anything to do when I go back, so I might as well go and have a look."

Lin Qingfeng snorted.

"Come here, it's raining too much." Chu Bailian paused, then said again.

Lin Qingfeng suddenly felt joy in his heart, and after tiptoeing back two steps, he walked side by side with her.

The rain was blocked by Chu Bailian's corpse energy barrier.

Although Lin Qingfeng's whole body was already soaked, the talismans were all placed in waterproof talisman bags, and the material itself was somewhat waterproof, so the problem wasn't too big.

Under the night, the girl in the red skirt was holding a black umbrella, fluttering and flickering.

They follow.

Not long after, I arrived at a hospital.

The girl in the red dress entered the inpatient department.

Lin Qingfeng and Chu Bailian also followed in.

On the third floor, at the door of a ward, the girl in the red dress stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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