my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1364 Do You Like Her?

Chapter 1364 Do You Like Her?
Mo Xiaotong was asking Shen Donghe to peel apples for her, but now he was a little surprised when he heard Lin Qingfeng's words.

"Sad? What happened? Why are you sad?"

Why are you sad?
Lin Qingfeng himself didn't understand.

The number of times he had contact with Chu Bailian did not exceed ten times in total.

He also knows that she is a zombie, the age is even his grandma's grandma's... grandma's level...

Except for a pretty face, almost all shortcomings.

Not exactly his ideal type.

But why, after hearing her say that, his heart seemed to be broken by something suddenly.

Silent for a long time.

Lin Qingfeng said sullenly: "I don't know either. A girl told me today that we are only friends. I suddenly feel like crying..."

Mo Xiaotong asked: "Do you like her?"

Lin Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, and asked back: "I like her?"

Mo Xiaotong also asked: "You don't like her, why do you feel uncomfortable just to be friends?"

Lin Qingfeng was stunned.

Holding the phone, there was no answer for a long time.

Could it be that he doesn't want to just be friends with her?

Could it be that he really likes her?

No, no, maybe it's her charm...

Will not……

He didn't speak for a while, and Mo Xiaotong over there got a little anxious, and started to shout "Hello", "Lin Qingfeng, are you still there?"

Lin Qingfeng came back to his senses and asked, "Sister, even if I like her, she doesn't like me, what should I do?"

"Then find a way to make her like you too."

"But I don't know what to do..." Lin Qingfeng squatted on the ground, drawing a circle with one hand, "It seems difficult."

"What's going on, tell me?" Mo Xiaotong asked curiously.

"Sister, is there any way to make a woman fall in love with..." Lin Qingfeng paused after thinking for a moment, "Like a man younger than her?"

Mo Xiaotong's voice suddenly became a little excited: "You mean... sibling love?!"

Wow, I really didn't expect Lin Qingfeng to take such a good bite!

Lin Qingfeng hesitantly gave a "hmm".

In fact, compared to sibling love, the disparity between him and Chu Bailian is even more exaggerated...

"Well, this score situation..." Mo Xiaotong gasped excitedly, and answered after thinking, "I think, with your conditions, where you go, just rely on your face. Speaking of sibling love, even grandma and grandson, even an old sow, can't help but want to pounce on you, a young grass!"

Lin Qingfeng: "..."

He knew that he would not get any good advice from Mo Xiaotong.

"Actually, you don't need many reasons to like her, even if you don't like her. If you really like her, go after her!"

Mo Xiaotong began to pour chicken soup and blood into Lin Qingfeng, "What if you succeed after chasing after him? Your brother-in-law ignored me back then, and I used the spirit of never giving up when I was a stalker. Have you caught up?"

"If you give up trying before you start, won't you regret it later? And as long as you try hard and try, even if you fail in the end, you won't regret it in the future, right?"

Lin Qingfeng struggled: "But I don't seem to be suitable for her..."

When Mo Xiaotong heard it, he became excited: "Who decides whether it is suitable or not? There are so many people who think that Shen Donghe and I are not suitable, but as long as he and I feel that we are suitable in our hearts, it will be fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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