my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1369 You can't bear it?

Chapter 1369 You can't bear it?


time flies.

Mo Xiaotong's due date is getting closer and closer.

And in the seventh month, Guo Yulan also specially asked for leave from the factory, and made a special trip to H City to take care of Mo Xiaotong.

Mo Xiaotong's body was getting heavier and heavier, but it wasn't a big deal to her.What made her sad was that she thought her breasts would get bigger when she was pregnant, but it turned out to be the same as before... flat.

It's still horrible.

Shen Donghe asked Mo Xiaotong to go out for a walk every day.

But one time, when Mo Xiaotong passed by a photo studio, he suddenly thought: "No, many pregnant women will take commemorative photos when they are pregnant. Sis, this baby is not easy to come by, so it should be commemorated."

Shen Donghe naturally wouldn't object, so Mo Xiaotong went to take pictures.

She brought a new set of tube top and high-waisted maternity dresses, which were really beautiful. Mo Xiaotong went to the fitting room to put them on, and then came out, twirling around happily, and asked Shen Donghe: " How about it?"

Shen Donghe naturally said it looks good, but then he was slightly taken aback.

Cough cough, why did my wife's breasts become much bigger than before?
Mo Xiaotong lost his mind and suddenly heard a click.

Then, Shen Donghe's eyes fell on a semicircular object with skin color on the ground: "What is that?"

"What?" Mo Xiaotong also looked over blankly.

then.Suddenly there was a roar in his head, and the sky fell apart.

Depend on!
The quality of the chest pad is too bad!
How could it fall out like this? !
Or, because my sister's flat chest is so flat that even the breast pads can't save it, so I decided to abandon her? !

At this time, Mo Xiaotong discovered that besides Shen Donghe, there were several employees of the photo studio who saw this scene nearby!
This embarrassment is really lost to grandma's house!

As a result, Mo Xiaotong, who was deeply ashamed, didn't even take a picture, and dragged Shen Donghe away angrily.

After returning, she bought a camera herself, and then took a lot of shots.


Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology.

In checkup.

In front of the doctor.

"The baby is healthy. Everything is normal," the doctor told Mo Xiaotong.

Mo Xiaotong laughed happily.

Although they can see the baby's condition with their soul consciousness, they will still come to the hospital for a birth check, which will make them feel more at ease.

At this time, Shen Donghe looked at the doctor with deep eyes, and suddenly asked hesitantly: "Doctor, she is more than seven months pregnant now, can she still have intercourse?"

Upon hearing Shen Donghe's words, the doctor immediately raised his head, glared at Shen Donghe first, and began to condemn: "Of course not! You must not have intercourse after seven months, otherwise the baby will be in danger! As a husband, you should be sympathetic to your wife..."

At the same time, I still feel contemptuous in my heart: This husband is so handsome and good-looking, I didn't expect to ask such a question, really...

Before she finished speaking, she saw this extremely handsome young man turn his head immediately, and looked at his wife solemnly and helplessly: "Did you hear that? The doctor said no! Can't you bear it?"

Mo Xiaotong pursed his lips, let out an obedient "oh", and said in frustration, "I got it. Before the baby is born, I won't bother you anymore..."

(End of this chapter)

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