my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1385 Lan Yinger is dead?

Chapter 1385 Lan Yinger is dead?
The inner sect of Maoshan Sect.

Somewhere in a meeting hall.

Lin Qingfeng stepped in and saw his grandfather Lin Xinglan and several elders of the Maoshan Sect among them, all of them looked a little serious.

Lin Qingfeng's black eyes couldn't help but condense slightly, and then, after meeting the elders politely, he asked, "Grandpa, what's the matter for calling me here?"

Lin Xinglan stroked his beard, took a deep look at him, and then slowly said: "I have called you here this time to ask you something, remember, you must answer truthfully, tell everything you know, and talk endlessly. "

"I will." Lin Qingfeng nodded. "Grandpa, please."

Lin Xinglan said: "Lan Yinger, the daughter of the master of the Jade Gu Sect, when and where was the last time you saw her?"

"Lan Yinger?" Lin Qingfeng asked with some doubts: "What's wrong with her?"

"No need to ask, just tell me."

"The last time I saw her..." Lin Qingfeng did some calculations and replied, "It was June 30th, in City B, I met her when I was performing the mission of that ghost painting, and she invited me to visit After wandering around City B for half a day, they separated and never saw each other again."

After finishing speaking, Lin Qingfeng couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Why did grandpa suddenly ask him about Lan Yinger?

And there are so many elders present, each with such a serious expression...

Did something related to Lan Yinger happen?

Lin Xinglan asked again: "When you were with her, did you meet any special people, or did any special things happen?"

Lin Qingfeng's heart tightened, he hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head slowly.

Subconsciously, he didn't say anything about meeting Chu Bailian.

Lin Xinglan was also asking casually, but after seeing Lin Qingfeng shaking his head, he sighed and finally said, "Lan Yinger is dead."

"She's dead?!" Lin Qingfeng exclaimed in surprise.

"That's right, on June 30th, she was found dead in her hotel room." Lin Xinglan said in a deep voice.

"The wounds on her body were caused by the corpse aura of high-level zombies. Because I only met you shortly before her death, the Jade Gu Sect would like to ask you if you have any clues here."

Lin Qingfeng froze in place, his mind was suddenly in a mess.

He had no intention of Lan Yinger, so even though after that separation, Lan Yinger didn't take the initiative to contact him as in the past, he also felt a little strange, but subconsciously felt that it would be more worry-free.

In addition, that night, he and Chu Bailian had another intimate affair, these few days his mind and energy have been completely occupied by Chu Bailian, so he will not take the initiative to contact her.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that Lan Yinger was dead!

Seeing Lin Qingfeng's shocked expression, Lin Xinglan and several elders were relieved. It seems that Lin Qingfeng knew nothing about Lan Yinger's death.

But Lin Qingfeng was subconsciously thinking about what Lin Xinglan said just now.

He said that the wounds on Lan Yinger's body were caused by the corpse aura of high-level zombies?
Isn't Chu Bailian a high-level zombie?
That day, she happened to be in City B again.

Could it be that she killed Lan Yinger?

No... No way, they don't have any deep hatred, it's just a small dispute, she has no reason to kill Lan Yinger...

It won't be her, it won't be...

Lin Qingfeng suddenly asked eagerly: "Grandpa, are you sure Lan Yinger's death is related to high-level zombies?"

(End of this chapter)

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