my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1409 Blame Yourself

Chapter 1409 Blame Yourself
"For the sake of a woman, for the so-called love, you can give up even the seed of a god, you can give up even the hope of becoming a god, you can even give up the high expectations of me and your father God for you! You really let us down Already!"

Yinglong's words and sentences are as sharp as a sharp knife,

"As a result, you gave up so much, and what did you get in return?"

"It was the woman you loved who lied to you! She lied to you about your God Seed, and then gave it to your younger brother Hei Ming! I told you that she was not sincere to you, but you turned a deaf ear to my words Now that you have come to this point, you can only blame yourself!"

Ying Long's icy words echoed, but Qing You just pursed her lips tightly, her eyes couldn't see any emotion clearly, she was lifeless.As if completely numb.

He also gave his heart.

Love a woman with all my heart.

In order to be able to be with her with a limited lifespan, he willingly dug out his god-seed and gave it to her.

In his opinion, as a true dragon, his lifespan is almost unlimited, as long as he can be with her, what does it matter if he has a god seed or not, and whether he can become a god?
But what about her?

Qingyou closed her eyes, a trace of desolate self-mockery was drawn at the corner of her mouth.

At the very beginning, when I knew I was cheated by the person I love the most.

It's really painful.

As long as I think about it, it will hurt, the pain is unbearable.

That kind of pain is like a heart that was held out but was thrown on the ground indifferently, and then crushed little by little with his feet.

It was like being stabbed into the heart by a sharp knife, and then vigorously stirred inside, the deepest part was still bloody.

However, as time goes by, it becomes less painful.

It's not that the wound is scarred and healed.

Instead, it's completely rotten.

Rotten to the point of numbness and loss of consciousness.

Only since then, he has become bohemian, gloomy and fickle.

Ying Long's cold and sharp words were like cutting his past wounds a few more times.

But how much feeling can there be in a wound that has rotted and numb.

Already, no more pain.

And Ying Long saw Qing You's lifeless eyes without any waves, so he couldn't help but stop.

She still remembered that her own child was the one she and Donghuang Taiyi admired and loved the most among the many real dragons.

He has the highest aptitude, the greatest hope of becoming a god, and the most calm and gentle. He will be the best leader of the true dragon family.

But now...

Since that incident... His temperament has changed drastically, he is no longer gentle and calm as before, but has become self-defeating, vicious and irritable.

After that, I wanted to enlighten him, and even thought of a solution to this matter.

However, the demons came.

After the battle between gods and demons, both she and Donghuang Taiyi had to fall into a deep sleep to repair the damaged god-seed.

But she couldn't rest assured, and she always had a trace of spiritual thoughts on Qingyou's body.

So in the past thousands of years, she knows almost everything that Qingyou has experienced.

She looked at the most admired and loved child,
step by step.

Self-exile, self-abandonment, self-destruction.

Although she is a god, she is also a mother, so how can she bear it!
During this meeting, she deliberately used those words to provoke Qingyou, and deliberately uncovered the scars of his past, just to shock the deaf and give a blow to the head.

But now it seems that it has no effect.

Ying Long hated that iron could not be made into steel, but when he thought of what happened to Qingyou, his heart softened involuntarily.

"After your father and I get back the Hetu Luoshu, we will find a way to get you another god seed. This time, you can't live up to our expectations."

(End of this chapter)

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