my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1439 It smells delicious

Chapter 1439 It smells delicious
"Mom is going to do serious things, it's very dangerous." Mo Xiaotong refused with a serious face.Just kidding, who would bring a milk doll to deal with supernatural events?

The little guy pursed his mouth and pulled his face, his expression was about to cry.

Mo Xiaotong made a big move: "When mom comes back, I will bring you delicious food and toys!"

Then I promised for a long time before I finally got the little guy.

"You follow brother obediently, don't be naughty, wait for mom to come back." Mo Xiaotong explained uneasy, "If you dare to be naughty, mom will spank you when she comes back..."

When the little devil heard this, he was immediately unhappy: "The baby has always been very good..."

"Yes, yes, you are the most obedient. Remember, don't be naughty." Mo Xiaotong kissed her son, and told Wen Yu again, "Take him back to find Dad." At the same time, she also sent a voice transmission to Shen Donghe, explaining A few words, presumably there will be no problem.

After doing all this, she walked away with Lin Qingfeng without hesitation.

Go out and play!

Mo Xiaotong followed Lin Qingfeng and took the car of the Special Investigation Department to the crime scene.

On the way, several members of the Extraordinary Investigation Section had roughly told the two of the contents of the case.

The location is in a certain village not far from Maoshanzong.

The village planned to expand the land, and there happened to be an ancient tomb of unknown age in the middle of the land.

As soon as the villagers made up their minds, they wanted to dig out the coffin and the bones in the ancient tomb together, and move it to another place for the dead.

Unexpectedly, people began to die in the village before the coffin was dug out.

As soon as it got dark, people died, seven of them died in three days, all of them were bitten to death by themselves!Moreover, they were all villagers who had dug the ancient tomb.

They could only call the police, and the Special Investigation Division sent police officers to investigate, and they concluded that the problem should be in the ancient tomb.

The ancient tomb was actually located in a place full of Yin Qi, and the corpse inside might have turned into a rather powerful ghost.Those villagers were contaminated by the resentment it emitted, which led to hallucinations, became crazy and killed themselves.

At first, the Extraordinary Investigation Division didn't take this matter to heart. According to the usual handling method, first choose the time and location, set up a battle to vent the evil spirit of the ancient tomb, and then suppress it with talismans before sending people to dig it up. Get out of the coffin inside, and then plan to deal with the dirty things in the coffin.


Things are not as they imagined.

The ghost in the coffin turned out to be a kind of ghost named Zimu Fierce!

That is to say, there is a female corpse who is pregnant with Liujia.The mother died, and then buried in the ground with the unborn fetus in the womb. The child died with the mother before it was born. How can this resentment be lessened? !In addition, this cemetery is located in a very dark place, and after hundreds of years, a fierce mother and son were born, which are several times stronger than ordinary hundred-year-old ghosts!
At this time, even the Special Investigation Section couldn't solve the murderous son and mother, so they came to seek help from Maoshanzong.

When Mo Xiaotong heard this, he knew something in his heart.

To others, the ferocity of the son and mother may be terrifying, but in her opinion, it is at best the strength of ordinary ghost generals. It seems that this journey will not be too thrilling...


On the other side, Wen Yu led the little devil on his way to find Shen Donghe.

The little devil's bun face was still full of anger, and he was still very upset that his mother left him to the bad father and ran away by himself.

Suddenly, his little nose shrugged, and he immediately began to look around curiously.

"What is so fragrant? It smells delicious..."

 I'm sorry, my health is not good, and it also affects the state of writing. I barely squeezed out a few chapters, and everyone will...

  Thank you XTT little angel for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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