Chapter 1499
But before Guo Mei could turn around, the car suddenly drove back.

"Give me her cell phone!" Lin Qingfeng's voice came from the half-open car window.

"Oh, oh, okay!" Guo Mei came back to her senses, and immediately took out Chu Bailian's mobile phone from her bag, and handed it to Lin Qingfeng's outstretched hand.

After getting Chu Bailian's mobile phone, Lin Qingfeng didn't stop there any longer, and immediately drove away again.

He held the steering wheel with one hand, and picked up Chu Bailian's cell phone with the other.

"...There is no lock." Lin Qingfeng complained first.This old woman is so heartless that she doesn't even set a password or fingerprint lock on her phone.But then he felt extremely fortunate, and thanks to this, he was able to use it much more conveniently.

While driving, he quickly searched the contact list, and sure enough, he saw the number marked "Father and Mother".

It must be the contact information of the general and the nun.

It's just that after he called, there was no answer.

"Damn!" Lin Qingfeng cursed again, and threw the phone aside angrily.

He stepped on the accelerator hard, and the engine roared like a beast, and his speed soared to the limit in an instant!

The car, in the urban area where the speed limit was originally, was driving at a speed that was almost as fast as lightning, and it was rushing wildly through the traffic with an extremely flexible posture.

All the intersections, all the traffic lights were completely ignored by him, and he whizzed past.

This speed, in the eyes of others, can only be described as extremely crazy.

But in Lin Qingfeng's heart, this is not enough, far from enough.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind!
And his crazy driving quickly caused a commotion.

The traffic police set up roadblocks at the intersection ahead, intending to stop Lin Qingfeng's car, and shouted loudly.

"Stop! The owner of the car with the license plate number xxxxxx, please pull over and stop your car immediately, you are seriously speeding..."

The voice did not fall.

The roadblock was knocked into the air from a distance.

Lin Qingfeng's eyes were red, he ignored the traffic police's warning, and rushed over without thinking.

This scenario is repeated over and over again.

If the situation is not good, he will use Qi ghost to confuse and stop the opponent by hitting the wall with ghosts.

But even so, there are more and more vehicles chasing behind him.

However, he was confident that he would be able to reach the high speed smoothly before they caught up with him.

But I don't know when, it was dark, and gradually filled with gloomy dark clouds.

Suddenly, a long dragon-like lightning appeared.

"Wow" sound.

The torrential rain poured down from the sky like a collapsed sky.

The forward speed of the vehicles on the road could not help but slow down, and gradually, there were signs of a traffic jam.

Lin Qingfeng was very anxious.

He honked the horn desperately, but it was still in vain.

The traffic on the road is slowly getting heavier.

Lin Qingfeng's speed also had to slow down, and he couldn't keep going at full speed under such circumstances.

As his speed slowed down.

Behind him, chasing police cars appeared one after another, and the distance was getting closer and closer. The dazzling lights of the cars flashed frantically through the rain curtain, and the sharp sirens became more and more piercing.

"The owner of the car with the license plate number XXXXXX, immediately stop and turn off the engine, and get out of the car for inspection..."

Lin Qingfeng turned his head to check on Chu Bailian's situation.

At this time, she was lying there quietly, her whole body filled with demon energy.

She closed her eyes tightly, as if she was unaware of everything that happened, and she should have been completely caught in a bitter battle with the demons in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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