my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1578 Let the baby take a bite

Chapter 1578 Let the baby take a bite

What the evil people love most is food with strong vitality. For them, in their eyes at this moment, the three of them have become supreme delicacies.

And because Mo Xiaotong and the others have restrained their aura, and their appearance is very similar to the aborigines of this world, to the evil race, they are only three aborigines who slipped through the net.

Even though Yinggou and Shen Donghe looked exactly the same, they were just ordinary evil races, not evil gods, and had never seen Shen Donghe before, so naturally they didn't take the three of them to heart.

At this moment, in their eyes, Mo Xiaotong and the others were nothing but a pile of delicious meat.

Although they had just filled their stomachs not long ago, seeing the three of them now, they felt extremely hungry again.

"That's great, you're so stupid that you throw yourself into a trap!"

"It's been a long time since I saw such vigorous food!"

"Especially that kid, who is white and fat, must taste fresh and tender!"

The evil clans grinned grinningly, evil energy emanating from their bodies, spreading crazily, with bloodthirsty frenzy in their eyes, they surrounded the little devil one by one.

But the next moment, they suddenly froze.

They saw that the little doll was running towards them step by step with two short and fat legs.

With every step, his small body grew bigger.

The body became taller and bigger, and finally turned into a huge child.

The smile on that white and tender little face at this moment was indescribably evil and ferocious. In the middle of the forehead, the evil devil's eyes rolled, and the little devil grinned, with densely packed teeth inside, extremely ferocious.

"Although they are all small bugs that are not enough to fit between the teeth, they add up to enough for the baby to eat!"

An icy, ruthless yet immature and clear voice came from this huge child's mouth.

Although the height of the Xie Clan reached two or three meters, or even higher, facing the little devil king who was as tall as a dozen floors, he could only be described as a little bug.

In an instant, the same emotion welled up in the hearts of all the evil people who saw this scene.


Unimaginable, never-before-experienced fear swept over them.

This kind of fear was only seen in the slaughtered prey when they slaughtered other races.

In the past, at that time, the deep fear, despair and pain revealed in the expressions of the prey would make them feel extremely happy and make them even more crazy and bloodthirsty.

But when those fears manifest themselves...

Only then did they realize how terrifying this kind of hopeless fear is!
"What is this little thing!"

They trembled, their mouths opened wide, and they couldn't even think of confronting the little guy.

Instead, turn around and run!
Seeing the fearful expression of the evil race, the little devil became more and more excited. He suddenly stretched out his fat arms, opened his ten little fingers, opened his small mouth, and took a long breath.


Those evil races who were fleeing suddenly found themselves out of control, being pulled back by an incomparably powerful force.

But they were running with all their strength, but the suction force was too strong, they couldn't resist at all, and ended up rolling and flying backwards.

Thousands of evil races were sucked by the little demon king's breath, like a long flowing river, they flew into his mouth.

Once it comes, it is out of control!

(End of this chapter)

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