Chapter 16

After get off work, Yao Caishan came to look for Mo Xiaotong.

We went to 1201 together to get a few changes of clothes and daily necessities from Mo Xiaotong, but left the other things untouched for now.

After all, it doesn't matter whether you move or not.

Even if you really want to move, it's the same when you come to get a new house after finding a new one.

When leaving the eight buildings, Mo Xiaotong heard a few cat meows, and turned his head subconsciously.

A black cat squatted in a bush not far from her, staring at her with green eyes, and then flitted out like a black shadow.

"It's you." Mo Xiaotong remembered, this is the black cat she met when she first moved here.

"So you still remember me." Mo Xiaotong bent down to touch it, and said with a smile: "I didn't bring ham sausage this time, sorry, if there is a chance in the future, I will treat you to it again."

After finishing speaking, she stood up, waved to the kitten, and then turned around to catch up with Yao Caishan.

After walking for a while, when I looked back, the cat had disappeared into the darkness.

At night, Mo Xiaotong slept on the sofa in Yao Caishan's living room. Since he didn't sleep all night last night, he soon fell into a deep sleep.

This night was much more peaceful, I no longer heard any cats meowing or had any strange dreams, and the next day dawned very comfortably.

This refreshing sleep kept Mo Xiaotong in a good mood until he walked into the school doctor's office.

Today he was wearing a blue-purple camouflage T-shirt under his white coat, and his lower body was actually mint green trousers and silver-white sneakers.

Well, it was the first time she discovered that mint green trousers can look so good on a man. How can this man be able to control any style, handsome is self-willed.

"Morning, Doctor Shen!"

Mo Xiaotong greeted Shen Donghe in a high mood, and went into the psychological counseling room humming a song, regardless of whether the latter answered or not.

In the morning, Mo Xiaotong finally had something to do. Teacher Xu came over and gave her some documents and asked her to input them into the computer for processing.When this is done, it's time for lunch.

After eating, Mo Xiaotong returned to the school infirmary. Before the lunch break was over, a student suddenly rushed to the school infirmary, saying that one of them had fallen in a fight on the playground, and it seemed that he had broken a bone.Shen Donghe took the first aid kit or something, and followed the student to deal with it.

Mo Xiaotong is the only one left in the huge school infirmary.

About ten minutes later, another girl with short hair suddenly ran in.

"Doctor Shen! Doctor Shen!" She yelled anxiously, but when she didn't see Shen Donghe, she ran over and knocked on Mo Xiaotong's door again.

"What's the matter?" Mo Xiaotong opened the door and asked.

"Where's Dr. Shen?"

"It seems to be going to the playground." Mo Xiaotong pointed.

The short-haired girl ran out and came back soon, crying, "I can't find him in the playground!"

Mo Xiaotong spread his hands, indicating that she didn't know anymore.

But seeing the girl sweating profusely, she couldn't help asking: "My surname is Mo, and I'm a new psychological counselor. What do you need, do you need my help?"

Maybe Mo Xiao was young and looked easy to talk. The short-haired girl hesitated for a moment, and finally stomped her feet and said, "Mr. Mo, someone of us passed out in the back mountain, please help us!"

Behind the school is a small hill, which is the location of the second and third phases of the school, but it is still in the planning and development stage, and it is still a barren wild mountain.

Mo Xiaotong also heard from Yao Caishan that many students like to go to the back mountain to play, and there have been some accidents in the past because of this, which led to the school's order to prohibit students from entering the back mountain without authorization.

"What's going on?" Mo Xiaotong asked puzzledly, "Why didn't you notify your class teacher first about such a big matter?"

"If you tell our head teacher, he will definitely tell the parents, and he will be punished by the school." The short-haired girl said with a tear in her voice, "Please, Teacher Mo, just help us."

Mo Xiaotong was a little hesitant, so he called Yao Caishan first, wanting to discuss with her, but no one answered, probably this Ma Daha had accidentally muted the phone again.

But she also has no contact information for other people in the school.

So, I could only send a text message to Yao Caishan, telling her to find a few people to come to the back mountain to help, then put the mobile phone in the bag, took the bag, and said to the short-haired girl: "Let's go."

When he walked out of the school doctor's office, Mo Xiaotong suddenly thought of something, turned back, left a note on Shen Donghe's desk, explained briefly, and then hurriedly followed the girl to the back mountain.

While walking, Mo Xiaotong asked the short-haired girl what happened.

The other party was hesitant, and his words were full of loopholes. One moment he said that he was going to climb the mountain in the back mountain, and the other he said he was going to the back mountain to find someone.

Suspicious, Mo Xiaotong stopped in his tracks, stared at her and said, "What's going on, what are you doing at the mountain behind the school? I'll go with you only after clarifying!"

After being pressed by Mo Xiaotong for a while, the girl finally said it out, they were actually asking for a pen fairy in the back mountain!
It turned out that they didn't know who had mentioned that the pen fairy summoned by the back mountain was particularly effective, so they sneaked up to the back mountain during their lunch break, preparing to summon the pen fairy.

"I've played it a few times before, and nothing happened. Mr. Bixian sent it away normally."

"Besides, we were also worried that something might happen, so we specially picked the time of noon to go. It is said that at noon, the sun is full of yang energy and it is safe. I didn't expect that this time, something happened..."

Mo Xiaotong's heart sank, she had also heard many supernatural legends about the pen fairy, some of which were said to be real people, and she heard that this thing is very evil.

"Then why did you think of going to Dr. Shen?" Mo Xiaotong asked again.He is a doctor who treats diseases, and he is not a master of exorcising evil spirits.

"In the past, Houshan played too much with the pen fairy, and some people would get dizzy or even talk nonsense. We always went to Dr. Shen, and Dr. Shen cured us immediately." The short-haired girl said.So they thought of Shen Donghe for the first time this time.

By the time this was said, the two had already arrived at the back mountain.

The short-haired girl pointed in one direction: "We played in an open space not far from here. Just halfway through the game, when it was Xu Ya's turn to ask for a pen fairy, she suddenly rolled her eyes and then fainted. Our strength Weak, I can't move Xu Ya, so I went to the school doctor's office to find Dr. Shen. There is another one guarding there..."

Mo Xiaotong walked over in the direction she pointed, and when he got to the open space to look, both of them were stunned.

The open space turned out to be empty!
(End of this chapter)

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