my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1623 I can give it a try

Chapter 1623 I can give it a try

Mo Xiaotong blinked his eyes, and it took him a long time to realize the meaning of the old rice dumpling's words, and his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys all twitched in anger!
This old zongzi is really hateful, but his emotions have been sealed by the devil, and it's not amnesia. Don't you know how my sister feels about him?
How could he still say such a thing!
"Shen Donghe, you, you bastard!" Mo Xiaotong was angry and wronged, his eyes were red.

Shen Donghe snorted coldly, ignored her, and continued to grab the winning hook.

Mo Xiaotong was in a hurry, thinking of the conditions Xuan said to eliminate the magic seal, she suddenly activated her divine sense, turned into a white streamer, and rushed towards Shen Donghe's soul sea!

What is this woman going to do?
Shen Donghe's eyes sank, and his powerful spiritual thoughts suddenly radiated, and Mo Xiaotong's spiritual thoughts were instantly shattered.

Mo Xiaotong was anxious and annoyed, clenched his fists, and shouted angrily in his heart: "How can sister send the divine sense to Shen Donghe's soul sea? How can I find his deepest and most important memory and wake him up?! "

This hateful Xuan just dropped such a method.

But Shen Donghe's current strength is so strong, and he treats her mercilessly, she can't find a chance at all!
The previous rune was interrupted by Mo Xiaotong, Shen Donghe snorted coldly, and started to draw the rune of devouring the clone again.

At a time when Mo Xiaotong didn't know what to do.

In her soul sea, an indifferent and calm voice suddenly sounded.

"If there is a reincarnation disk, I can try it."

When the voice fell, I saw the figure of the youth of Tiandao appearing in the world of Hetu.

"You, you're alive? Why did you speak suddenly, without even saying hello!" Mo Xiaotong was startled, patted her chest and looked at Tiandao with lingering fear. Suddenly, she came back to her senses and hurriedly shouted : "What did you just say? You can make my divine sense enter Shen Donghe's soul sea?"

A small flame of hope immediately lit up in her heart.

"Just woke up not long ago." The youth of Tiandao nodded, "However, I didn't let your divine sense enter Shen Donghe's soul sea, but let your souls come into contact."

"If there is a reincarnation disk, I can forcibly pull your soul into the reincarnation disk for a moment, and construct a reincarnation based on his memory of the soul. Then you try to find that memory and wake him up."

In the world of Hetu, he already had sanity, so he had a basic understanding of what happened outside.He also knew all the methods of breaking the magic seal that Shen Donghe Huamo and Xuan said.

It's just that although he has sanity, he still can't move freely, so he didn't show up until now.

Mo Xiaotong asked anxiously: "Only for a moment? How is that enough?"

"That's right, Shen Donghe's current strength is too strong." Tiandao Boy explained, "My divine power is not enough, so at most, I can only control his soul to enter reincarnation for a moment. But don't underestimate this moment, with the help of the power of reincarnation disk If so, you and his soul can actually experience several years in reincarnation, maybe you can have a glimmer of hope."

"Unfortunately, the reincarnation disk is not here now." Tiandao boy sighed, "However, after I recover enough divine power, give me some time, maybe I can refine it again..."

"Samsara Disk...Samsara Disk..." Mo Xiaotong murmured, his little face showing distress.

She can't wait!
At this moment, she felt deeply powerless.

If it was in my own hand, it would be great to have a reincarnation disk now!
(End of this chapter)

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