my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1635 Mu Qingqing (2)

Chapter 1635 Mu Qingqing (2)

"Originally, I wanted to leave a mark on your face..." Su Yingxue said casually, "It's a pity that your face, even if it is completely destroyed, it won't be worse..."

Her tone was understated, as if she was eating and drinking.

Mu Qingqing's body trembled more and more.

"So, I'd better go to another place..." With a glance, he suddenly landed on the girl's white, slender, jade-like hands, and a look of jealousy suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Give me her hand!"

Although it is not a fatal injury, even if it is cured, it will inevitably leave an ugly scar.

it hurts!

Mu Qingqing gasped in pain, trembling all over, grabbed the corner of her clothes with her left hand, and pressed firmly on the wound to stop the bleeding.

"This is just a little lesson, remember to cover your ugly face in the future, don't make us sick again."

After lightly dropping a sentence, Su Yingxue turned around and led the others away.

Just as she stepped out of the door, her footsteps paused again, and she said with a light smile: "By the way, Mu Qingqing, how did you get hurt?"

The girl was pale and trembling.

After a long time, I swallowed my anger and said: "Yes, I accidentally fell down and got scratched by the glass."

"Oh, so that's the case." Su Yingxue sighed softly, with a regretful tone, "Be careful next time!"

They left.

Only the girl who was holding the wound in the corner and sobbing silently was left.

After a long time, the blood finally stopped, but the bright red flesh rolled up from the wound was still terrifying.

Mu Qingqing struggled to stand up.

The slender body dragged feebly, and slowly walked to another corner, picked up the schoolbag and a soiled mask, and put the mask on.

Leaning against the wall, the desolate sunset slanted in from the window.

The girl was squatted down by the long shadow, trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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