Chapter 1651

"The lottery draw is over!" Xiaoqing yelled happily, and at the same time, in the grid on the right of Mu Qingqing, a small emerald green treasure box with the same color as the consumables automatically appeared.

"Xiaoqingqing, please explain to me first." Mu Qingqing asked.

"No problem, explain this kind of thing, leave it to Bentong. As the name suggests, consumables belong to various consumables, such as various talismans, pills, and other things, just like your century-old willow leaves, which also belong to A type of consumable. Open the consumable treasure chest, and a consumable prop will randomly appear inside, but the more advanced the prop, the less likely it will appear, host, do you understand now?"

"Is the ghost tank a consumable?"

Mu Qingqing was most concerned about this.

"No, the ghost pot belongs to the equipment category, and the equipment category is all kinds of artificially refined magic weapons, including..."

"Then smoke again." Mu Qingqing, who only wanted to raise the ghost pot, said hastily.

"Host, don't you take a look at what you drew just now? What if it's something good?"

"Let's talk about it after all three draws."

So, the system draws two more times.

The second time, the pointer stopped at the golden equipment category, and a small golden treasure chest appeared in the grid on her right.

For the third time, the pointer still stops at the green consumption class.

"Open this equipment treasure chest first!" Mu Qingqing said hastily.

A flash flashed in front of her eyes, and the moment it was fully opened, the treasure chest disappeared, replaced by a piece of clothing and a sword.

what is this?
Mu Qingqing concentrated her consciousness and looked over.

[Elementary Protective Robe]: It can deter ghosts within a hundred years and reduce weak external damage. It is produced by Dragon and Tiger Sect.

[Peachwood Sword]: A hundred-year-old peach tree, made from the core of the whole peach tree, can cause harm to ghosts and monsters, but very weak to people, produced by Dragon and Tiger Sect.

"Two pieces at a time!" Xiao Qingqing was excited. "Although they are all the most basic instruments, they are not bad!"

Mu Qingqing sighed in disappointment.It was not a jar for raising ghosts, and said disappointedly: "Xiao Qingqing, I want to buy a jar for raising ghosts."

"No problem, but there are levels for raising ghost pots. With the host's current points, you can only buy the lowest level..."

After Xiaoqingbalabala finished speaking, another small black jar appeared in the grid on the right.


[First-class ghost raising pot]: Produced by Maoshan Sect, the production is relatively simple, and it can extend the ghost's lifespan for one year.After one year, the jar loses its function and becomes an ordinary porcelain jar.

Note: If you accidentally break the jar, the ghost inside will be injured.

Maoshan sect?Dragon Tiger Sect?Is there a Taoist family with these two names?
Mu Qingqing suddenly felt a little puzzled.

In the Eastern Xia Continent, all mystical masters are called Taoists, among which the lowest level is casual cultivators, and the others exist in the form of major families, but as far as she knows, there seems to be no one called Maoshanzong and Longmen. Tiger Sect's...

Mu Qingqing took the jar of raising ghosts into her hand with her mind.

It was a small dark porcelain jar with some runes inside that she didn't understand.

"Xiao Qingqing, how should I use this?"

"It's very simple, just let Uncle Sun's ghost get in!" Xiao Qingqing said.

"Okay." Mu Qingqing walked up to Uncle Sun's ghost with the jar for raising ghosts, and said, "Uncle Sun, can you go into this jar? It can keep you from dissipating so quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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