my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1654 Reborn

Chapter 1654 Reborn
As soon as she got the elixir and actually touched it, she felt that this elixir was really extraordinary, and it seemed to contain powerful power.

Mu Qingqing's excited hands were trembling slightly. After taking a few deep breaths, she accidentally glanced at the wound on the back of her right hand that hadn't fully healed, and her eyes showed a sharp light.

I hope this super marrow washing pill can really make her reborn!

At that time, Su Yingxue, and the bastard Su Yu who drove Sun Bo to death...

Thinking of these two names, the hatred in Mu Qingqing's heart was like a raging tide, and the blood of hatred appeared in her almond eyes.

At this moment, she is like a vengeful female ghost incarnated from hell.

She will never let these two people go, and she will definitely make them pay ten times and a hundred times the price!

After making up his mind, Mu Qingqing put the pill into his mouth, took a sip of water, raised his neck, and swallowed it directly!


Pills into the abdomen.

All of a sudden, she felt that a group of vigorous and powerful energy burst out from her stomach, rushing to her whole body like a tide, especially the lower dantian.

The cultivation system of the Eastern Xia Continent is different from that of the Earth. Instead of cultivating soul and soul power, they absorb the yin and yang qi between the heaven and the earth, and produce a special suspension in the dantian, so that they can use various Taoist methods spell.

"This Super Marrow Cleansing Pill is also made by the master for this plane. I don't know how it works..." Xiao Qingqing watched Mu Qingqing nervously.

I saw Mu Qingqing's body trembling, her little face turned red, and countless black things were expelled from the pores on her body surface, emitting a horrible stench.

That was the toxin in her body, which was forcefully expelled out of her body by the power of the Super Cleansing Pill, and then, every cell in her body, inside and out, produced strange changes.

Become able to feel and absorb the yin and yang energy between heaven and earth, and the speed of absorption is extremely fast!
The yin and yang energy within a hundred meters of this area was absorbed crazily, and it seemed that there was a huge vortex around her body, and she was the center of this vortex.

Countless yin and yang qi were inhaled by her frantically from every cell, turned into suspensions, and then gathered in the lower dantian, continuously condensing...

Until there was a bang, a bright star appeared in her lower dantian!

One-star low-rank profound master!
But it hasn't stopped yet, profound energy is still being generated and gathered, and the light of this star is still dazzling!

It's just that the yin and yang qi in the vicinity became thinner and thinner, and when they were almost completely absorbed, the star's light became very dazzling.

A one-star mid-grade profound master!
Mu Qingqing only felt that her whole body was extremely refreshed, and this feeling was so comfortable! '

The whole person seems to have become much lighter, with a clear mind, five senses are accessible, and every place is extremely comfortable.

She wanted to continue, but suddenly found that no matter how hard she tried, she could no longer absorb any more yin and yang energy.

"Host, it's okay, you have become a one-star middle-rank profound master! You have absorbed all the yin and yang energy in this area!" Xiao Qingqing's milky voice explained for her, "The yin and yang energy here is originally It is very thin, and after being absorbed by you like this, it will take a while before the new yin and yang qi can be slowly transferred from other areas. And you can’t chew on too much, if you leap too much at once, it will be harmful to the dantian. There will be injuries, you have to let your dantian slowly adapt to the changes before you can continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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