Chapter 1715

Mo Yichen's eyes flickered.

It is undeniable that what this ugly monster said barely makes sense.

I didn't go there to accompany her, it was purely for my own safety.

"You're not afraid of me now?" He snorted.

"Don't be afraid." Mu Qingqing blinked at him, as if a little star was about to pop out of it, "Since you won't eat me, why should I be afraid of you?"

Yes, suddenly she wasn't afraid of him at all.

Even if he is really a big devil with a blue face and fangs who commits all kinds of evil...

But he has promised not to hurt her, so what should she worry about?
On the contrary, for some reason, there is still some sweetness in my heart.

Mo Yichen glanced at her, "Let's go."


Xuanshi Center.

After showing her Xuanshi badge, Mu Qingqing got the reward for reporting the corpse.The amount of bonus is small, but better than nothing.

Then, after logging into the website of the Xuanshi Center, Mu Qingqing began to select suitable tasks.

While browsing the task content, she tentatively asked the little devil: "Hey, why don't you help me complete a few tasks, so that I can make money quickly."

"Impossible. If I want to destroy the world, I can think about it. Is this kind of trivial task, is this what a noble big devil like me should do?"

But the little devil had a handsome face and said arrogantly, "I'm only responsible for your safety, I don't care about other things."

Mu Qingqing gave him a resentful look: "..."

The plan to get help from the Little Demon King failed, and Mu Qingqing could only choose two tasks that were within her capabilities and relatively cost-effective.

The combined remuneration for these two tasks is tens of thousands of yuan.Because the good missions have already been picked up by the mysterious masters of various families in advance, and the remaining missions for the casual practitioners are all relatively weak tasks.

It took more than two days for Mu Qingqing to complete these two tasks, and after she submitted the completion status of the last task, the reward will arrive in the account soon.

this evening.

Mo Yichen said to Mu Qingqing: "Ugly, I will teach you some of the most basic demon secrets. I will only teach you once. If you can't remember, you will be responsible."

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll record it with my phone!" Mu Qingqing hastily turned on her phone and started recording the video.In this way, she can watch and learn repeatedly later.

Afterwards, Mo Yichen performed three different primary demon secret techniques for her.

Charm, Summon Demon, and Quick Recovery.It's just that all of them need magic to motivate them.

Mu Qingqing is not stupid, and quickly mastered the basics of the charm technique.

She cast a charm spell on the mirror.

Then, I suddenly saw that in the mirror, she who was already extremely beautiful and moving suddenly had a strange change.

The facial features are still the same, but they have added a sense of mystery that can charm people's hearts out of thin air, especially the pair of bright and lively apricot eyes, which now become like a bottomless starry sky, full of indescribable charm. force.It can easily make people who are not strong-willed have a crazy obsession, be mesmerized, and irresistible.

Mu Qingqing raised her red lips in satisfaction, revealing a pure but enchanting smile.

Suddenly, there was a movement in her heart, and a thought came to her.

Will the charm technique work for that guy?


try it?
(End of this chapter)

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