my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1732 The 2rd mission outside the story (13)

Chapter 1732 The second extra task (13)

"What game?" Mu Qingqing asked.

"The thirteen steps prove your courage."

"Just now, you proved your strength again."

"Next, as long as you answer one puzzle." The boy Yuanhun said, "to prove your wisdom, enough to find a way out for us."

Mu Qingqing was stunned.

However, she quickly took another deep breath.

She thought she was not stupid, and her grades in school were among the best, so she nodded immediately: "Tell me, what is the topic."

"The topic is very simple: 10 people stand in a row, each with a hat, the hat has two colors of red and blue. Each person can only see the color of the hat of the person in front of him, but not his own. Now start from the last person, in order Answer the color of their own hat, if the answer is wrong, they will die! So, is there any way to ensure that the most people survive?"

"I'll give you 10 minutes to tell me the answer!" The boy said with a dark voice, "If you can't tell, then stay here with us forever!"

Mu Qingqing smiled, and answered leisurely: "It doesn't take three or ten minutes, three minutes is enough."

"What did you say?" All the innocent souls showed expressions of disbelief.

"In that case, tell me your answer!" the boy shouted.

After about 2 minutes, Mu Qingqing clapped his hands, and said calmly: "The answer is, at most 10 people can survive, and at least 9 people can survive."

"How to say?"

"It's actually very simple. Except for the last one, there are nine people left, so the total number of hats of different colors on the heads of the remaining nine people must be one pair."

"Then, it was agreed in advance that this person will be the first to speak. If he sees that red is singular, he will say that his head is red. Otherwise, he will say it is blue. He has a 50% chance of surviving."

"And starting from the ninth person, you can judge the color of your own hat based on the color that the tenth person said, combined with the color of the hat on the head of the person in front."

"So, at least nine people can survive, and at most ten people can survive."

After Mu Qingqing finished speaking, she fixed her eyes on the innocent souls of the boy and girl in front of her.

The boy who was the leader turned back to his normal appearance: "Okay, we will give you one chance, but if you don't succeed, stay with us forever."

"It's a deal." Mu Qingqing blinked and asked, "What is your wish?"

"Relief." The grievances of the boys and girls said in unison, "The grievances here imprison us, we can't leave or dissipate, linger here day and night, and repeat the pain of dying every day. The unbearable fear is like a recurring nightmare."

Day after day, night after night, this torture has lasted for ten years.

For them, this process is really painful.

Mu Qingqing asked curiously, "How did you all die?"

"You want to know? Can't you see it?" The boy at the head had a strange expression: "They and I...were burned alive."

He pointed to the other three boys: "One night, we were sleeping in the dormitory, and suddenly the dormitory caught fire. We wanted to escape, but the doors and windows couldn't be opened, as if they were locked from the outside..."

(End of this chapter)

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