my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 1735 The 2rd mission outside the story (16)

Chapter 1735 The second extra task (16)

When Mu Qingqing understood what this smell was, her eyes widened suddenly!
It's gasoline!
She suddenly discovered that gasoline had been spilled everywhere in this dormitory that had been on fire before!


Mu Qingqing's first reaction was to rush to the door, stretch out her hand, and pull the door hard.


Can't open it!

Twist the door lock hard, still not working!
Mu Qingqing's back suddenly went cold, and the hairs were pricked up: "... Could it be that someone locked it from the outside?"

She hurriedly turned her head to look at the window, wanting to leave from the window,

But just at this glance, the heart sank even deeper into the abyss.

The windows have metal bars for security!

Although somewhat discolored and blackened by past fires, the windows are still firmly sealed.

Mu Qingqing hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Qingqing! The grievances here have been resolved, and I should have completed the task. Why didn't you remind me? Can I call Mo Yichen now?!"

"Master, it's true that the grievance has been resolved, but your mission has not been completed." Xiao Qingqing's voice sounded.

"What do you mean?!" Mu Qingqing asked in disbelief.

Obviously the wish of those innocent souls is to eliminate the grievances here, so that they can be relieved, why do they say that the task has not been completed?
"Master, the wish of the last innocent soul has not been fulfilled. I can't give you any more reminders. If you can't complete the task, you can call the little master." Xiaoqing replied helplessly.

What the hell, aren't all those innocent souls? !

Are there other ghosts? !

Isn't this playing with her?

Mu Qingqing was so angry that she burst into foul language in her heart, but after a few curses, she calmed down again.

At least, there is no need to seek Mo Yichen's help yet.

But what should she do? !

Also, who locked her here, and what did the other party want to do by pouring gasoline all over the room? !

Outside the window, a face suddenly appeared, it was the security guard she met when she first entered the ghost school.

That extremely ugly face was staring at her expressionlessly.

Cold, without any emotion.

"Brother Security!" Mu Qingqing rushed to the window to ask for help, her face full of excitement, "Help me, I'm locked up here, can you release me, thank you!"

But what answered her was a ferocious smile from the security guard.

Under the cold and dim moonlight, Mu Qingqing saw that he slowly raised his hand.


Is an,

In an instant, Mu Qingqing's eyes widened to the limit, her mind roared, and she involuntarily took a few steps back, finally waking up.

"It's you! It's you who locked me up!"

"That's right..." the security guard said, his hoarse voice echoed, "It's me..."

"You, why did you do this?" Mu Qingqing's heart suddenly moved, "Are you the last wronged soul? What wish do you have, I can help you fulfill it!"

"Quack quack quack... Who told you that I'm a ghost?" The security guard grinned grimly, the large and small tumors on his ugly face trembled, his facial features became more and more distorted, making him look even uglier, more disgusting and terrifying than a ghost.

"Aren't you a ghost?!" Mu Qingqing said in surprise.

Then, she understood instantly.It was she herself who saw the other party appearing in the ghost school in the middle of the night, so she preconceived and mistook the other party for a ghost, but the other party was a living person!
(End of this chapter)

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