Chapter 1761


Mu Qingqing took a mobile phone and took pictures of everything in the cave.

Suddenly, the heart demon hurriedly shouted: "Master, something is not good, someone is here!"

Mu Qingqing's expression changed, and she asked in her heart, "Who is it?"

"It's Su Huan from the Su family!" The demon replied.

"Su Huan!"

Mu Qingqing squinted her almond eyes, and a sharp light flashed.

Su Huan is a three-star high-ranking mysterious teacher, and her strength is nearly two levels behind the opponent.

If Su Huan finds out that she's here, she won't be able to please her.

Mu Qingqing's mind turned rapidly.

However, it's not like there's no chance at all.

If you can sneak attack...

"Hold him first!" Mu Qingqing made a decisive decision and ordered the demon, "I'm a bit prepared to do it."

After receiving Mu Qingqing's order, the heart demon immediately went up to meet her.

When Su Huan saw the bald middle-aged man possessed by a demon, he stopped in his tracks, with doubts on his face, "Professor Luo, why are you here?"

This Professor Luo is one of the Su family's confidantes, and also knows the bottom-level secret.

However, due to the strong corpse aura in this corpse breeding ground, it will cause great harm to ordinary people, so Professor Luo will never set foot in the lowest level when it is not necessary.

But now, why is he here?
The demon blinked his small eyes and said with a smile: "Young Master Su, that's what happened. Just now I was checking the materials on the third floor, and suddenly found some serious problems..."

"What's the question?" Su Huan frowned and couldn't help asking.

The Su family has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the refining research of this corpse spirit, and has failed many times before. Seeing that this batch has great hope of success, there is no room for any mistakes.

"Master Su, don't worry, I will explain to you slowly, this is related to something called Cotard's syndrome..."

In order to fulfill the instructions of the master to delay the time, the heart demon can only search the memory of the other party and start talking nonsense.

Anyway, Mr. Su probably doesn't understand these theoretical things...

And Mu Qingqing quickly covered the opened coffins and restored the cave to its original state, because the psychedelic talisman had expired and was exchanged for another one.

"Okay, you can let him come."

Mu Qingqing activated the psychedelic talisman, took out the flying sword, and controlled the flying sword to hang in the air, while she quietly hid in the shadows.Prepare to surprise Su Huan with a surprise attack!
"Oh, Mr. Su, look at my memory, I still have some things to deal with in the laboratory, I'm leaving first..." The heart demon laughed and forcibly interrupted the conversation.

"Okay, Professor Luo, go get busy." Su Huan nodded, and then walked towards the cave with a calm expression.

Mu Qingqing held her breath and listened intently to the sound of Su Huan's approaching footsteps.

When the footsteps were very close, ice-cold shot out from the dark beautiful eyes.

"go with!"

Tap with your finger.

All of a sudden, the flying sword that had been quietly suspended in the air pierced towards Su Huan at extreme speed!

But right now.

As if foretelling, Su Huan gave a wicked smile.

With a flip of the wrist, several talismans that had been waiting for an opportunity to hide in the sleeves appeared, and the talismans on them had already been activated.

A talisman turned into an invisible wall of light, protecting him in front of him.

The flying sword pierced the light wall, arousing dots of snow-white light like broken stars.

Mu Qingqing couldn't help being shocked by the sudden change, her almond eyes widened instantly.

To be guarded by him?

 Thanks to Suiyuan, I am the most beautiful in winter, and there is a little angel whose name I can’t name as a reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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