Chapter 1772
The road became narrower and narrower, turning from an asphalt road to a dirt road, and finally to a narrow path up the mountain, making it impossible for cars to drive.

The two got out of the car and walked deep along a path that was almost covered with weeds and thorns.

"The specific content of this mission is that there is an abandoned village nearby. There seems to be evil spirits making trouble and killing many people."

Xie Zhixuan explained to Mu Qingqing as he walked.

Mu Qingqing asked, "What exactly is going on?"

"I'm not sure about this. The mission information given by the Xuanshi Center is not too much. A team of wild treasure hunters strayed into that area by mistake and never came out again. Our task is to figure out and solve this problem. thing."

Hundreds of years ago, there was a war between living people and monsters and ghosts. Many small villages and towns of living people were destroyed and abandoned. Later, the remaining people gathered in different large cities. The so-called rural towns have become No longer exists, all barren.

But in these abandoned places, occasionally some relics of mysterious masters, or antique works of art in good condition can be found, which are very valuable on the black market.

Therefore, there are often desperate people who come to the wild to hunt for treasure. Such people are called treasure hunters.

A steep slope appeared in front of him. Xie Zhixuan took a long leg and went up first, then he stretched out his hand to Mu Qingqing naturally: "Give me your hand, it's not easy to walk here, I'll lead you up."

Mu Qingqing hesitated first, but seeing his sincere smile, she stretched out her hand.

In the palm of his hand, there was a delicate and creamy warm feeling, Xie Zhixuan clenched it tightly, there was a slight ripple in his heart, but it didn't show on his face, he just pulled her up with a slight force.

Xie Zhixuan let go of Mu Qingqing's hand after the two climbed over the slope.

The two continued to climb to the top of a mountain, Xie Zhixuan took out the yin and yang disk used by the mysterious master to determine the position, and said: "Let me judge first, where is the specific position,"

"Don't look for it, it should be over there." Mu Qingqing pointed to the valley depression between the two mountains. At first glance, the valley is very dark and quiet, but it is not much different from other places.

But now she has a good understanding of Feng Shui formations, and she saw that the valley is covered with a layer of yin energy, and it is the most yin terrain that all kinds of yin and evil things like.

"You're right, it's there." Xie Zhixuan put away the yin-yang plate, and walked towards the valley with Mu Qingqing.

About a few hundred meters away from the valley, the two of them could finally see the scene in the valley clearly.

There are dozens of old houses in the valley, like an old village. The walls of the houses are covered with vines, which have been abandoned for a long time.

In the middle of this abandoned village is a small temple. The main hall is surrounded by a half-collapsed wall. In the courtyard wall grows a tall and thick old tree, which is surrounded by several people. It is lush and green and full of vitality.

Mu Qingqing felt that the source of the evil spirit seemed to be in this temple, and Xie Zhixuan also noticed it.

"There seems to be something wrong with that temple, Miss Mu, follow me and be careful in everything." Xie Zhixuan took out the talisman and carefully told Mu Qingqing, "Be ready to attack at any time."

The two of them, one behind the other, were about to walk towards the temple to have a look.


There was a crisp girl's voice floating over from another direction.

"It'll be there soon. That thing was picked up near the temple in front."

(End of this chapter)

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