my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 25 So Good Friends?

Chapter 25 So Good Friends?

Shen Donghe is speechless, is there such a dying person who is so angry?

"You'd better get some sleep."

Then Mo Xiaotong saw his hand stretched out, tapped his forehead, and then he didn't know anything.

I don't know how long it took, when Mo Xiaotong woke up again, he found himself lying in the school doctor's room, with Yao Caishan sitting on the chair beside him.

"I'm not dead?" Mo Xiaotong was stunned.

"Damn it." Yao Caishan glared at her and said angrily.

"I was bitten by a snake." Mo Xiaotong deliberately added the accent on the word snake.

"Yes, I was bitten by a non-poisonous snake." Yao Caishan sneered.

ah?Non-venomous snake?
Mo Xiaotong was puzzled: "Then why is my stomach hurting, my whole body is cold and I have no strength?"

It's okay not to say this, but when Yao Caishan said it, she became even more furious, and poked her finger towards Mo Xiaotong's forehead.

"I really don't know if you are stupid or not. I feel ashamed for you. You said that you are such an old man, don't you even know that your good friend is here?"

A good friend is here? !

These words were suddenly like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and Lei Mo laughed out loud.

Then Mo Xiaotong felt his physical condition, and immediately petrified on the bed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Mo Xiaotong collapsed.

It turned out that a good friend came. So my abdominal pain, cold sweat, and fatigue are all due to dysmenorrhea?Didn't I get poisoned by snake venom?
Mo Xiaotong was in a mess in the wind.

With a glimmer of hope, Mo Xiaotong asked Yao Caishan, "Does Dr. Shen know about this?"

"I don't know if people know about it."

As soon as Mo Xiaotong relaxed, Yao Caishan instantly killed her with the next sentence: "They just opened two boxes of Wuji Baifeng pills for you."

On the bedside, there were indeed two boxes of Wuji Baifeng Pills. Looking at the words written on them that specifically treat dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation, Mo Xiao's childish heart was broken.

"I also really admire you, you can treat dysmenorrhea as poisoning." Yao Caishan continued to make up the knife.

"Please don't talk about it." Mo Xiaotong's face was full of lovelessness.

Especially when Mo Xiaotong thought about what she had done and said to Shen Donghe, she felt that she might as well die from poisoning, at least she would not have to be ashamed.

Ahhh, she actually forcibly kissed a man whom she had known for less than a week, and said so many things confidently. The key point was that Nima was prescribed two boxes of Wuji Baifeng pills because of dysmenorrhea!

This embarrassment is really thrown at grandma's house, how can she face him in the future.

At this moment, Shen Donghe walked in, without even looking at Mo Xiaotong, he sat down on the chair,
It's over, probably angry.

Comparing her heart with her heart, if she was forced to kiss someone she doesn't like, she might have the heart to kill him.

Mo Xiaotong wanted to cry but had no tears.

Not long after, Shen Donghe suddenly stood up and walked towards Mo Xiaotong.

It should be to scold me.

Mo Xiaotong didn't dare to look at him.He buried his head and wished he could get his head under the quilt, just like a human ostrich.

The sound of footsteps approached, and even closer, Mo Xiaotong's heart sank more and more.

Shen Donghe stopped.

"Get up if you have nothing to do. I'm off work. I want to lock the door." He said.

Why is this line different from what she thought?

Mo Xiaotong looked up at him, his expressionless face showed no emotion, Mo Xiaotong stared at him intently, trying to see what he was thinking.

After watching it for a long time, Mo Xiaotong's first impression was--ah, your eyelashes are so long!

Ok, off topic again.

From his expression, Mo Xiao Tongzhen couldn't see anything, he could only sigh that people's hearts are too complicated.

After hesitating for a moment, Mo Xiaotong asked, "How are those students doing?"

"I've all gone back to recuperate." Shen Donghe said while hanging up his white coat.

The topic fell into a cold spot again.

Fortunately, there was another Yao Caishan, she pulled Mo Xiaotong up, and said, "Okay, if you have anything to say, I'll ask tomorrow, don't babble, Jia Rui is still waiting for us outside."

After leaving the door, Mo Xiaotong remembered that he didn't take the two boxes of black-bone chicken and Baifeng pills, forget it.

Looking back, Shen Donghe was not behind, Mo Xiaotong felt lost for some reason.

"Don't look back, you probably fell in love with someone else." Yao Caishan said.


Mo Xiaotong wanted to say, even if I like others, they don't like me.

"Then why did your face turn red from just now? Dr. Shen sent you back, so nothing happened to you?" Yao Caishan asked suspiciously.

Damn, Mo Xiaotong was taken aback, why is this sister's eyes so poisonous, "It's nothing to say."

"There is nothing best, don't forget, you must not fall in love before the age of 24, otherwise there will be catastrophe." Yao Caishan warned me.

(End of this chapter)

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