my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 27 The Cat Ghost (1)

Chapter 27 The Cat Ghost ([-])

"Okay, to be serious, I'm looking for you this time because of the house that Tongtong rented." Yao Caishan said seriously.

Fang Xiaoyu patted a travel bag beside him, and said, "Which time do I not care about what you told me? Everything is ready."

"Okay, let's talk as we walk, let's go eat something to welcome you first."

"At least a three-star hotel."

"Get out, I only want food stalls."

Mo Xiaotong looked at Le and said, "You two have a very good relationship."

"That's right, my buddy." Yao Caishan hooked Fang Xiaoyu's shoulder.

Fang Xiaoyu said with a bitter face: "I have been tortured by this female devil since I was a child. She bullied me in various ways because of my grandfather's doting on her. Oh, let's not mention it. It's all a history of blood and tears."

Talking and laughing, when they arrived at a restaurant, the two of them had a tacit understanding that they didn't go to a star-rated hotel or a food stall. It was just an ordinary Hangbang restaurant. The waiter saw a guy dressed as a Taoist priest eating at the same table with two beauties, and they all rushed over. Cast eyes full of gossip and complexities.

While waiting for the food to be served at the table, tell me about Mo Xiaotong.

"What's going on, we still have to go and see." Fang Xiaoyu thought for a while.

After eating, they took a taxi and went straight to Boyue Mansion.

As soon as he got into the taxi, Fang Xiaoyu took out a small compass from his Taoist robe and looked at it all the way without saying a word.

When they arrived at Boyue Mansion, Fang Xiaoyu got out of the car with his travel bag and walked in while looking at the compass.

Walking down the 8th building, Fang Xiaoyu looked around, his expression became serious for the first time, and he suddenly opened the travel bag he brought.

The bag looked like a grocery store, Mo Xiaotong glanced at it, and saw a wooden sword, some yellow paper, and many bottles and other things.

Fang Xiaoyu took out a bracelet with a red string and hung it on his hand. There were three brass bells on the bracelet, which looked a little old. He took out a wooden sword and stuck it in the back of the Taoist robe, and then he pulled up the travel bag.

After finishing all this, Fang Xiaoyu picked up the travel bag and said, "Let's go up and have a look."

"How's it going?" Yao Caishan asked.

"The yin energy here is indeed a bit heavy." Fang Xiaoyu said.

"What are you doing with this bracelet? I've never seen it before." Yao Caishan asked curiously.

"A family heirloom that detects ghost aura." Fang Xiaoyu showed off, "The more bells that vibrate at the same time and the larger the amplitude, the more powerful the ghost."

With that said, the three of us got into the elevator.

On the 12th floor, as soon as he stepped out of the elevator door, the bell in Fang Xiaoyu's hand really began to vibrate slightly, jingling softly.

"There really is a ghost!" Fang Xiaoyu was startled, looked down, and relaxed a little, "There is only one bell that moves, and it is the lowest level of a ghost."

"Can you handle it?" Yao Caishan asked.

"It's a joke, don't talk about the lowest-level brats, even a ghost with two bells shaking together, I can handle it." Fang Xiaoyu gave me the expression that you insulted me.

"How about the three bells ringing together?"

"The three bells are a ghost. I haven't encountered them before, so I can't guarantee it." Fang Xiaoyu boasted, "But there is always a [-]% to [-]% certainty."

Walking into 1201, Fang Xiaoyu looked around and said, "This ghost is not here now."

He took out a talisman and said to Mo Xiaotong: "Borrow a plate and use it. I want a porcelain one."

Mo Xiaotong hurried to the kitchen. Fortunately, she also bought two porcelain plates in the supermarket at that time, and brought one over immediately.

Fang Xiaoyu lit a stick of incense that came with him, held his breath, stood upright, lowered his head slightly, lowered his eyelashes, lowered his hands, and made a figure-eight shape with his hands, then lit the talisman paper on the incense, held it in his hand and said: "I will do an order, everyone God pleases, the land is above, ghosts appear, hurry like a law!"

After he finished speaking, he put the talisman paper on the plate, and after the talisman paper was reduced to ashes, a vague outline of an animal appeared, vaguely a cat.

"It's a cat ghost." Fang Xiaoyu said, "But it's not that powerful."

Yao Caishan said: "Cats can also become ghosts."

"Of course. Cats are one of the most spiritual animals. There is also the Huang Daxian Huangpizi we often say, that is, weasels and foxes. These animals with high intelligence, if they die abnormally in evil spirits or Yin-qi places, there is a high probability of turning into ghosts. But they can't turn into too powerful ghosts."

Mo Xiaotong noticed something Fang Xiaoyu said, and asked, "You mean that there is a lot of yin and evil here?"

"Yes, I saw this Boyue Mansion when I came here. It is located in the north of City H, and the north belongs to the water of Yin, and these eight buildings are in the northwest of Boyue Mansion. Gold and water grow together, and yin is added to yin. What's even more weird is , the terrain of this community is slightly sunken, and there is plenty of water. It is estimated that it was a lake or something, and the eighth building is located in the center of the depression, and all the yin energy is gathered here, which is what the so-called cathode land is like." Fang Xiaoyu spoke eloquently. talk.

"Then why is my place haunted?" Mo Xiaotong asked.Obviously there are other residents in this building, why are they all right?

Fang Xiaoyu pointed out the window of the living room, "Look, there is a statue of a naked kid in the middle of this neighborhood."

"What a bare-bottomed kid, that's the little Cupid." Looking in the direction he pointed, Yao Caishan corrected.

"Okay, okay, Cupid is just Cupid, you know I don't read much. It's nothing at first, but pay attention to the bow in its hand, the arrow of the bow is facing here."

Fang Xiaoyu went to the bedroom again, opened the window, and pointed to the TV tower on the opposite side: "Add this, Cupid's arrow, this room 1201, and the metal TV tower symbolize the murderous aura of weapons, and the three are connected in a straight line. , and 1201 is in the middle, which is called an arrow piercing the heart in Feng Shui, and it is one of the several Feng Shui patterns with the heaviest evil spirit. If this Yin Qi is not stimulated by evil spirit, it will have a little impact on the human body at most, but now it is dominated by evil spirit Yin Zi, this yin energy is about to cause trouble immediately."

"And according to the 12 Earthly Branches, the number 12 is the last one in Onmyangology, and the number of cathodes is the highest. It is not grounded, and it is difficult to dissolve evil spirits and yin spirits. It is strange that this 1201 has no dirty things. " Fang Xiaoyu said.

Yao Caishan interrupted Fang Xiaoyu, who wanted to continue to play: "Okay, okay, it's like talking about a scripture, I don't understand at all, so just tell me if there is any way to solve it."

"It's a piece of cake if you have a brother." Fang Xiaoyu flicked the hem of his Taoist robe, looking like a master of Taoism.

Yao Caishan said, "Be serious."

Fang Xiaoyu really got serious, and said: "It can be resolved, but these feng shui evil spirits are more troublesome, and it takes time to prepare some things, but it is much easier to deal with that cat ghost. Let's get rid of that cat ghost first, and then deal with it." Slowly adjust Feng Shui for Xiao Mo."

(End of this chapter)

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