my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 29 The Cat Ghost (3)

Chapter 29 The Cat Ghost ([-])
"So the ghost looks like this? It's not too scary." Yao Caishan relaxed.

Mo Xiaotong pursed his lips and said, "Maybe it's because you haven't seen the really scary one!"

For example, the female ghost in Houshan looks like the scene of a disaster, which makes her terrified when she thinks about it.

"Naughty animal! Don't go to reincarnation, pretend to be a ghost all day long, let's see how I accept you!"

Fang Xiaoyu drew out the mahogany sword, took big steps, and walked towards the cat ghost aggressively.


The cat ghost seemed to know that Fang Xiaoyu was not easy to mess with, so he yelled hastily, turned around and ran to the balcony.

A faint white light suddenly appeared on the yellow talisman pasted on the window, blocking it like an invisible barrier.

The cat ghost rushed left and right in a hurry, but all possible places to escape were marked with spells.

It hit a wall one after another.

Fang Xiaoyu laughed loudly: "This is a net laid by my brother, you can't escape even if you go to heaven or earth."

While speaking, he took the mahogany sword and slashed at the cat ghost fiercely.

"Today, Master Dao, I will let your soul fly away."

The mahogany sword seems to be slashing lightly, but each sword can take away part of the black energy from the cat ghost!

The cat ghost screamed terribly and ran around the ground.

When the black energy on its body gradually disappeared, a thin black figure appeared.

Mo Xiaotong exclaimed in surprise: "Why is it?"

It turned out to be the little black cat she had met before.

It's just that now, there are many burning scars on its body, which should be hurt by the yang energy of the mahogany sword.

Mo Xiaotong felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Brother Fang, wait!" Seeing that Fang Xiaoyu was about to make another move, she hurriedly called out.

"What is it?" Fang Xiaoyu stopped his hands.

Mo Xiaotong hesitated, and said in a low voice, "That... Brother Fang, can you...don't kill this cat..."

Fang Xiaoyu was shocked when he heard the words: "Did I hear correctly? Are you stupid? This is not an ordinary cat, this is a ghost!"

After Mo Xiaotong told the story of the cat ghost, he lowered his head and said, "It is pitiful enough that it was abandoned by its owner and starved to death, and it didn't do anything bad, so you just..."

"If it's a ghost, it will harm people!" Fang Xiaoyu interrupted her, and said righteously, "It's not harming people now, I don't guarantee it won't in the future! To get rid of ghosts, we must cut the grass and roots, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Are ghosts going to harm people?
Mo Xiaotong looked at the cat ghost again, and saw its small figure squatting in the corner, bruised and bruised, trembling, looking at them with a pair of green eyes, following Fang Xiaoyu's words, gradually Disappointed and hopeless.

Mo Xiaotong never thought that a ghost of a cat would have such vivid emotions in his eyes...

Could it be that it can understand human language?

"Can you understand our words? Nod if you understand." Mo Xiaotong asked tentatively.

Sure enough, the cat ghost nodded his head.

"Will you harm me?" Mo Xiaotong asked.

The cat ghost meowed softly and shook his head.

"Look, it said it won't harm me." Mo Xiaotong said hastily.

"Xiao Mo, I don't know if you have heard of a word called "nonsense stories." Fang Xiaoyu frowned and said annoyedly, "Can you believe this ghost's words?"

Mo Xiaotong hesitated for a while, then looked at the poor cat ghost again.

Her intuition told her that this cat ghost didn't mean anything to her, so she struggled for a long time.

In the end, she gritted her teeth and insisted: "I believe it!"

At this moment, Yao Caishan couldn't help but speak.

"I said, this cat is so cute, you can do it? Since it didn't do anything bad, let's forget about it and let it live?"

Fang Xiaoyu flicked the mahogany sword in anger, and said with a livid face, "Okay! Anyway, I'm just here to help. If something happens to Xiao Mo, don't blame me!"

When Mo Xiaotong heard this, he felt very sorry.

Fang Xiaoyu had no relatives or reason with her, and he came to help out of Yao Caishan's face.

After finally catching this cat ghost, I stopped him...

Speaking of which, it was really her fault.

"I'm sorry, Big Brother Fang, I'm very grateful that you came to help me." Mo Xiaotong said apologetically, and then asked, "But, besides letting the soul fly away, is there any other way to solve this matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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