my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 310 I Won't Leave You

Chapter 310 I Won't Leave You

Luo Meng is very smart, she can see that Shen Donghe is a hard-hearted person, pleading with him is completely useless, her only hope can only be pinned on Mo Xiaotong!

Mo Xiaotong didn't know what to do!
She knew that Mo Huashang and Luo Meng should be punished, but this feeling of sympathy and heartache made her very unbearable!
But after she glanced at Shen Donghe, she still didn't say anything.

No matter what Shen Donghe decides, she will support him and will not interfere with him.Although Mo Xiaotong is a bit of a virgin, she understands better that she must respect Shen Donghe's decision!

Immediately, Luo Meng's pretty face began to twist, and her whole body began to tremble crazily.

"Meng'er! Don't forcibly separate your soul! Your soul will collapse immediately!" Mo Huashang yelled frantically.

Luo Meng glanced at him affectionately, but her body trembled even more, and the veins all over her body burst out one by one.

Amidst Mo Huashang's shouts, a faint phantom of a woman's soul suddenly floated out of Qin Xuan's body.But Qin Xuan closed her eyes and fell down.

It can be vaguely seen that this woman's soul is very beautiful.But it's almost invisible.

This is Luo Meng's soul.

She floated away from Qin Xuan's body, looking at Mo Huashang quietly with sadness and heartache in her beautiful eyes.

This pain is too strong, too strong...

"Mo Huashang, I, I'm leaving..."

"I have never regretted meeting you..."

Luo Meng sighed leisurely, gave Mo Huashang one last look with great reluctance, and flew towards the night sky.She is too weak.It is simply impossible to resist the attraction of reincarnation.

"No!!! Meng'er!!!" Mo Huashang yelled frantically, his demonic aura surged instantly, and with a bang, his body actually collapsed, leaving only his soul behind, rushing out from under Shen Donghe's feet !

"You actually gave up your physical body." Shen Donghe's eyes trembled slightly.

This Mo Huashang was willing to die for Luo Meng's soul!

And Mo Huashang's soul was much stronger than Luo Meng's, and it almost caught up with Luo Meng's soul in the blink of an eye.

"Meng'er, I will not leave you!" Mo Huashang's soul is now in the shape of a black python, and it hugs Luo Meng's soul tightly with its body.

Under the moonlight, their souls cuddled closely together and headed towards Huangquan Road at the same time.

There was affectionate look in the eyes of the two of them, and they looked at each other, even if Shen Donghe shot them at the next moment, making their souls fly away, they didn't care anymore.

Shen Donghe's eyes flickered for a while, and finally sighed, just watching them leave quietly.

Although he was dissatisfied with such a punishment, he reluctantly let it go.

If their obsession is deep enough, then after reincarnation, there is hope to continue the frontier.


Mo Huashang's remnant body was found in a mountain and buried briefly.

"It's a pity that Luo Meng didn't leave anything behind, otherwise, if they could be buried together, the two of them must be happy..." Mo Xiaotong suddenly had such a thought in his heart.

I hope that Mo Huashang and Luo Meng can continue their fate after reincarnation.

Afterwards, taking Qin Xuan back to the hotel, Shen Donghe opened another room and put Qin Xuan in it.

After a long time, Qin Xuan who was lying on the bed suddenly snorted, and then moved slightly.

Mo Xiaotong hurried to the bed and looked at her.

I saw Qin Xuan slowly opened her eyes, staring at the front without focus, completely dazed and dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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