my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 334 341342 My sister doesn't care if his surname is chicken or duck

Chapter 334 341~342 My sister doesn't care if his surname is chicken or duck
At this moment, Mo Xiaotong also saw that Ji Shishi, who was released by her before, was quietly drifting behind Ma Zhicai with eyes full of hatred. Her hands had gradually moved to the Ma Zhicai's neck.

This damned disgusting man who took away her virginity and insulted and threatened her, as long as she exerts her strength now, she can strangle him to death.

However, this seems to be too cheap for him.

Ji Shishi suddenly changed her mind and let go...

The light of the phone was already off, Ma Zhicai stretched out his hand based on his impression, and slowly touched the place where the phone fell.

Suddenly, he seemed to touch something on the floor, but it didn't look like a mobile phone.

Ma Zhicai looked down suspiciously, because the room was too dark, he almost had to press his face all over to see clearly.

It was a pair of off-white high-heeled shoes with blood splattered on them.

The feet in the high heels are covered with beige thin stockings, and above that, there are beautifully shaped calves, and above that, there is a dark gray woolen dress...

Ma Zhicai raised his head gradually, and immediately met the pale face of a woman.

This face is still painted with light makeup, delicate and beautiful, but at this moment, it is so cold and lifeless.

"...Ji, Ji Shishi..." Ma Zhicai's squinted eyes widened to the limit at this moment, and the light of fear shot out from inside.

tick, tick...

Something suddenly dripped from the woman's body and landed on Ma Zhicai's face.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch it, put it in front of his eyes, and suddenly trembled all over his body!
It's blood!

"Get out!" The extreme fear turned into hysterical madness, Ma Zhicai jumped up with a lightness and agility that was completely disproportionate to his figure, swung the fire ax in his hand, and slashed at Ji Shishi in front of him!
But the fire ax passed through Ji Shishi's body in an instant, and it felt like cutting the air.

Really ghost!

Ma Zhicai finally faced the reality, threw down the fire axe, turned and ran.

But this office building is so big, where can he go?
Soon, he was cornered with nowhere to go.

Ji Shishi's face showed a ferocious expression, and she slowly approached Ma Zhicai step by step.

Ma Zhicai was frightened, and suddenly there was a pungent anger from his crotch.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Ji Shishi, please forgive me!"

Looking at Ji Shishi, Ma Zhicai collapsed on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy, "Don't kill me, I can burn a lot of paper money for you, and I can also give your family a lot of money, 1000 million, no, no, 2000……"

"...I only want you to die!" Ji Shishi growled and rushed over!

"Ah—" Ma Zhicai cried out in fright.
Eyes rolled.

Kick with both legs.

It turned out to be directly fainted!

"Wait a minute." Mo Xiaotong called out suddenly, which made Ji Shishi stop abruptly.

Ji Shishi growled: "Are you going to stop me from taking revenge?!"

Mo Xiaotong said: "Revenge is fine, don't kill him."

"Why?!" Ji Shishi said ferociously. "Those things he did, one hundred deaths are enough!"

Mo Xiaotong smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm doing it for your own good. Even if you avenge yourself, once a ghost kills someone, you will still enter hell and be tortured after you enter reincarnation."

"I believe that a person like him must have more crimes. We find evidence and hand him over to the police. At that time, he will be ruined and must accept legal punishment, which will make him more uncomfortable than death. You didn't It is necessary for this kind of scum to put myself in hell and not be able to enter reincarnation."

After listening to Mo Xiaotong's words, Ji Shishi was silent for a while, and although she looked unwillingly, she nodded immediately.

After all, what Mo Xiaotong said made sense and convinced her.

Ji Shishi said: "Okay, just do as you said, I won't hurt his life, but I still have to vent my anger."

"Then you go to the side and wait for me first, let's ask him what we need first." Mo Xiaotong said.

After finishing speaking, Mo Xiaotong and Shen Donghe woke up Ma Zhicai who had fainted from fright.

"You, are you Yin masters?" Ma Zhicai shouted when he saw Mo Xiaotong and the two of them.

"Let's talk about it. My uncle is also a yin master of the Dragon and Tiger Sect. His surname is Ji..."

"Stop rambling, I don't care if his surname is chicken or duck!" Mo Xiaotong smiled.

With a wave of his little hand, let Shen Donghe go!

Shen Donghe's interrogation methods were too cruel and inhumane, so he didn't mention it.In short, after bursts of inhuman wailing and screaming, Ma Zhicai even called out what color underwear his wife was wearing.

Apart from Ji Shishi, there were hundreds of other girls who were murdered by him, some of them were even played to death by him.Once these charges are convicted, he is enough to be sentenced to death or to sit in prison.

However, the vast majority of victims did not sue him.On the one hand, in the traditional concept of Chinese people, this kind of thing is really embarrassing, and they are unwilling to make it public and come out to identify his crimes; There is no actual evidence, so no conviction.

However, Ma Zhicai has a hobby, which is to record the crime process as a video, and then watch it from time to time.

Of course, he was extremely careful, those videos were saved in a separate USB drive.

And the USB flash drive was hidden in the safe, anyway, it was heavily protected, and ordinary people couldn't get it at all.

"Go and take out the USB flash drive." Mo Xiaotong kicked Ma Zhicai.

Ma Zhicai hurriedly crawled to the safe and began to enter the password.Ji Shishi sat on the top of the safe beside him, two long legs in silk stockings hanging down beside him, shaking slightly.

Ma Zhicai's face was snow-white, his fat hands were shaking like a goat, and he had entered the password several times but got it wrong.

In the end, he cried with a sad face: "I, I can't think of anything in my mind, and suddenly I forgot the password. If I make a mistake again, the safe will automatically destroy the contents."

When some people are faced with extreme situations, their brains may go blank.

Shen Donghe said to Mo Xiaotong: "Let your weapon spirit come."

"Is it possible?" Mo Xiaotong was puzzled, and called out Qi Ling Ami.

After hearing Mo Xiaotong's order, Ami nodded, and entered the safe in an instant. Then, the electronic combination lock flickered quickly, and finally, it stopped at a six-digit number.


The lock is open.

Ami flew out of the safe with a very happy face: "Hee hee, I lived up to my master's entrustment and successfully completed the task."

After Mo Xiaotong praised, he opened the door of the safe.

(End of this chapter)

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