Chapter 340
Why does this person have a particularly disgusting stench on his body?
Although the stench was very faint, and there was a strong fragrance of cologne on his body, it seemed that he was trying his best to cover up the stench.But Mo Xiaotong's five senses are very sharp now, and he still smells very clearly.

And mixed with the scent of cologne, the stench seemed even more unpleasant to Mo Xiaotong.

It's not as disgusting as dog poop, it's not as pungent as rotten eggs, and it's not as suffocating as a gas tank.But it's awesome because it fits a shit rotten egg gas tank into one.

In other words, it's like the smell of a dead pig soaked in a latrine for a few days and then exposed to the sun, with a horrible smell of corruption and disgust.

Why is it happening like that?

Does anyone have such a smell? Even if they don't take a bath for 100 years, they won't have this smell!

Mo Xiaotong couldn't help turning her head and looked at the man's back. This time, she used her soul power.

After looking at it, I gasped suddenly!

There is a lot of yin in this man.

At this moment, the cat ghost in Jiuyou Jade suddenly spoke.

"Meow, master, you have a strong body odor and yin energy on your body, it looks like you've been possessed by a ghost!"

at this time.

"Hello, are you Uncle Yao's daughter?" The man walked up to Yao Caishan and asked gracefully.

"Yes, it's me." Yao Caishan hurriedly nodded with a smile.

"My name is Zuo Ruicheng." The man sat down with a smile on his face, "Hehe, you are more beautiful than I imagined..."

Yao Caishan is shy and timid.

The two chatted harmoniously, looking at each other and smiling from time to time, as if speculative.

And Mo Xiaotong, who was on the side, was injecting soul power into his eyes.

Then, she looked towards the side of the man facing her.

The next moment, her eyes widened.

Can't help but let out a sigh of emotion, "I'm going, what the hell is this?!"

In her eyes, Zuo Ruicheng instantly turned into a disgusting look.

That handsome face turned into the face of a completely rotten corpse, black pus bubbling out of the swollen rotten flesh, and a bunch of maggots wriggling in it.

Following his words and actions, the maggots occasionally dropped one or two!

Of course, these are all covered up by illusions, and most people can't see them at all.

Mo Xiaotong just felt that she almost vomited out last year's overnight meal!

She was thinking quickly, and suddenly remembered that there is a record in "Hundred Ghost Records", this kind of ghost is called a dirty ghost.

The dirty ghost is an extremely rare and rare ghost.

It is a kind of ghost formed by ghosts after people's death because they are nostalgic for various desires in the world. Therefore, its various desires are extremely strong, especially the desires of men and women.

The foul ghost was rotting all over, and the smell was incomparable.Therefore, it likes the body of a living person the most, and then uses the body of a living person to satisfy its various desires.

However, ugly is ugly, she can feel that the strength of this filthy ghost in Zuo Ruicheng's body is not too strong, and it is slightly better than the female ghost she met when she was traveling on National Day.

Now Mo Xiaotong has Jiuyouyu and Shenyumu swords in his hands, as well as cat ghosts, so it is not very difficult to deal with the dirty ghosts.

Moreover, she had been eager to try for a long time, and wanted to see how her current level was, so she didn't intend to inform Shen Donghe.

However, not here.

In public, if she came out like this, she would definitely scare a bunch of people, and she would become a hot topic and become an Internet celebrity tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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