my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 350 Monster Beast Mosquito

Chapter 350 Monster Beast Mosquito
Puff puff!
The bullet sank into the body, and bursts of light smoke came out at the same time.

The monster screamed in pain, but still rushed forward.

But at this moment, Shen Feng had already identified his position by listening to the sound, and quickly dodged.

His skills are very agile, and he can't catch the monster at all when his body is injured and affects his movement.

Suddenly, the monster raised its mouthparts and aimed at Shen Feng.

Immediately, from the mouthpiece, a column of gray air spewed straight out!

Because the light was too dark, when Shen Feng noticed, the air column had already rushed in front of him.

He immediately held his breath subconsciously, but he still inhaled a little gray breath unavoidably.

"Oops! I have no strength!"

Shen Feng's whole body went limp all of a sudden, and he fell to the ground, his heart sank.


The monster shook its wings and flew towards Shen Feng, its huge compound eyes staring at him.The ends of the sharp mouthparts shone with cold light in the dark night.

Shen Feng involuntarily closed his eyes, waiting for the coming despair.

But the crisis he expected never came.

Suddenly, there was a miserable scream in my ears, it was like the scream of the blood-sucking monster.

what happened?
Shen Feng summoned up all the remaining strength in his body and opened his eyes.

The night was dark, and he could only vaguely see that monster facing a figure, its long mouthparts turned red again, but its compound eyes showed fear, and hesitated for a moment.No offense.Instead, he turned and fled.

"Can you escape?" Shen Donghe's eyes flickered, and as he spoke, he waved his right hand.

A blue light came out from his hand and went straight to the monster.

The monster was obviously very intelligent. After seeing the blue light, the fear in his eyes turned into panic. Regardless of his injuries, he vibrated his wings with all his strength, and almost turned into a black lightning bolt, narrowly dodging the blue light. .

Shen Donghe's eyes were calm.A blue light shot out from his hand again instantly.

Like a shooting star across the sky, it caught up to the monster almost in the blink of an eye.

The monster's body trembled immediately, and fell from mid-air, was caught by Shen Donghe from the air, and flew in front of his eyes.

"It turned out to be the monster ghost mosquito." Shen Donghe's eyes moved slightly.

The ghost mosquito is a kind of ancient monster, which almost disappeared thousands of years ago, and may only exist in the deepest part of Jiuyou.But why did this one appear in the world?
Shen Donghe pondered for a moment, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

It is estimated that thousands of years ago, when Emperor Yan and Huang sealed Jiuyou, a larva of a ghost mosquito accidentally fell into the world.

However, the larval stage of the plutos mosquito is extremely long. It takes thousands of years from larva to adult, and tens of thousands of years from early adult to peak.

In its heyday, the Nether Mosquito was comparable in strength to the fourth-level golden-eyed zombies, and the king among them was even comparable to the blue-eyed zombies.Moreover, they are often dispatched in groups, even the Four Corpse Ancestors, if they encounter a swarm of ghost mosquitoes, they have to stay away.

However, the one he saw had obviously just become an adult insect, and its strength was still extremely weak. Although he had tried his best to restrain his strength, this ghost mosquito had already been seriously injured by his blow.

At this moment, Nether Mosquito's body was injured in many places, with pale yellow blood flowing out, his eyes were dimmed, and even his wings were torn apart. Obviously, he was seriously injured and was dying.

"This ghost mosquito, even in ancient times, was considered a rare monster. It would be a pity to die." Shen Donghe thought.

(End of this chapter)

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