my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 38 Return to 1201 (2)

Chapter 38 Returning to 1201 ([-])

problem occurs!
As soon as they entered 1201, several people felt that it was terribly cold here, and the temperature seemed to be more than ten degrees lower than the outside temperature.

There were some yellow talisman papers and incense ash all over the floor, the chairs were overturned, the coffee table was overturned, and there were traces of fighting everywhere.

Seeing this, Yao Caishan's face turned pale like a ghost.

Mo Xiaotong saw a black object lying on the ground, walked over to pick it up and saw that it was Fang Xiaoyu's cell phone.

"His phone is here."

It seems that Fang Xiaoyu must have encountered some trouble, but where has he gone now?

Mo Xiaotong and Yao Caishan looked at each other, not knowing what to do. At this moment, there was a sudden bang from behind!
Several people were startled, and when they looked back, their faces changed.

Somehow, the door closed by itself.

"what happened?"

Chang Jiarui bravely went over and wanted to open the door, but no matter how hard he tried, the door seemed to be stuck with the wall, and it didn't move at all.

"This door can't be opened!" Chang Jiarui scratched his hair, "It's over, it's over. I said we shouldn't come here. Didn't I say that we can't come here after dark? It's all because of that Fang Xiaoyu."

When Mo Xiaotong saw him talking, his teeth were chattering.

If it was different from normal times, Mo Xiaotong would definitely despise him secretly, for a tall and powerful man would be so afraid of ghosts, it would be embarrassing but not embarrassing.

But now is not the time to despise Chang Jiarui.

Because it wasn't the first time Mo Xiaotong had seen a ghost, he was a bit mentally prepared, but he didn't lose his composure, but he was sweating coldly behind his back.

Mo Xiaotong asked Yao Caishan behind him without looking back:
"Shanshan, what should we do now?"

No one answered.

A chill suddenly appeared in Mo Xiaotong's heart, and he slowly turned his head away.

She saw Yao Caishan's back.

The latter was sitting upright in front of the table in the bedroom, using a comb that came from nowhere, combing his hair gracefully and gracefully.

once, twice...

"Shanshan, Shanshan..."

Mo Xiaotong tentatively walked over and called a few times, but found that she didn't seem to hear, she didn't respond at all, and she was still sitting there.

She slowly rolled her hair back into a tall bun.

An inexplicable sense of fear surged up instantly.

Suddenly, Mo Xiaotong thought of the girl who disappeared in 1201 during Ghost Festival last year.

Yao Caishan's current actions,

Just like her!
"Yao Caishan! Wake up!"

Mo Xiaotong was in a hurry, rushed forward, grabbed Yao Caishan's shoulder and yelled.

Her gaze was fixed on the front, and the movements of her hands remained the same.

It seems that this will not work!

Thinking about it, Mo Xiaotong raised his hand and planned to slap her a few times to see if he could wake her up.

At this time, a lot of laughter suddenly appeared out of nowhere, echoing in the room.

Women's laughter and talking.

Originally there were only three people here, Mo Xiaotong, but now listening to these voices, it seemed to be crowded with women.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee--"

"Cluck cluck cluck—"

"Bride, hurry up and dress up, don't miss the auspicious time."

"There are two troublemakers, what should we do?"

"This is also very beautiful."

"Bring the two brides back this time, the young master must be very happy."


Along with these laughter and talking, Mo Xiaotong sat down uncontrollably, and somehow a comb was added in his hand, and then his hands started to move involuntarily, and he combed his hair slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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