my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 42 3 Hands of Soil

Chapter 42 Three Hands of Soil

Just when Mo Xiaotong was about to move on, suddenly she saw a person floating in the far distance, no, it was a ghost.

The ghost didn't seem to notice Mo Xiaotong, it floated very slowly.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to him, Mo Xiaotong looked around and found a clump of red flowers beside him, so he quickly squatted down and walked in.

These red flowers are very tall, with thick stalks, densely packed, just covering Mo Xiaotong's body, peeping from the gap between the two flower stalks, staring at it carefully, holding his breath, the atmosphere is not Dare to come out, hope it passes quickly.

Nima, it's walking too slowly, snails can crawl faster than it.

Mo Xiaotong burst into tears, feeling as if every second felt like years.

This ghost is getting closer and closer.

It was only now that Mo Xiaotong was seeing the face of that ghost clearly.

It was a male ghost, he must have died in a car accident, his head was flattened, and there were still wheel marks on his face, Tianling Gai disappeared, he was probably run over by the car that caused the accident, and some yellowish white liquid was still flowing on his face superior.

Wait, that yellow and white thing must be brain pulp!
Thinking of this, Mo Xiaotong's stomach suddenly started to twitch, and an extremely strong urge to vomit came out, and he held it back desperately, wanting to wait for the male ghost to walk over, but as it approached, an extremely The unpleasant and pungent smell of blood also came in.

Your sister, it's so disgusting, Mo Xiaotong couldn't bear it anymore, and vomited with a wow.

"Ho~!" The male ghost suddenly let out a strange cry when he heard Mo Xiaotong's voice, opened his mouth wide, stretched out two hands and rushed towards her.

Mo Xiaotong jumped up quickly, remembering that he still had a handful of cinnabar in his hand, and immediately threw it head-on.

The male ghost was thrown straight by her with a handful of cinnabar, howling like killing a pig.

Mo Xiaotong took the opportunity to run away, turned around after a while, and saw that it was chasing him again.

But now its speed is not slow at all, following behind Mo Xiaotong, I don’t know Doriso, if it is not for the low gravity here, Mo Xiaotong’s speed is also accelerated, if it is just a few steps before To be caught up by it.

Mo Xiaotong ran desperately for a certain distance, panting with exhaustion, finally heard the roar from behind a little bit, stopped and bent over to catch his breath, and when he regained his breath, he raised his head and saw the scene in front of him, weeping again .

Another ghost.

This time it was not one, but a group, four or five male and female ghosts with charred bodies, came in a wobbling group.

To make matters worse, they seemed to have noticed her, howled and quickened their pace one by one, and rushed towards me.

Mo Xiaotong could only curse secretly, turned around and ran again.

When passing by a bush of flowers, suddenly a hand stretched out from it and grabbed Mo Xiaotong's arm.

Then, with all his strength, he pulled her in!
Just when Mo Xiaotong was about to scream, he saw clearly that the person holding her was Fang Xiaoyu, panic immediately changed to surprise, and he wanted to speak, but he covered his mouth.

Fang Xiaoyu made a shush gesture to Mo Xiaotong, and said in a low voice, "Grab three handfuls of soil and put them on your shoulders and top of your head. Hurry up."

Although he didn't know why, Mo Xiaotong immediately followed suit.

While Mo Xiaotong was doing it, Fang Xiaoyu was being dragged into the depths.

As soon as it was done, the ghosts chased her to the place where Fang Xiaoyu had dragged her into the flowers, and at the same time, her nose was moving around with her scorched face, like a dog sniffing.

(End of this chapter)

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