my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 422 Weird Roommate (4)

Chapter 422 Weird Roommate (4)

Wang Xuan was about to vomit.

There was still a small half of the video, so she couldn't help but skip to the end.

Finally, she saw that the little white mouse had been dismembered into several pieces by Shi Xiaowei.

The next moment, Shi Xiaowei stood up and approached slowly, her hand stained with the blood of the mouse slowly zoomed in on the camera, and finally occupied the entire screen.She should have clicked to stop, the video is at the end.

Wang Xuan returned to the video list, suddenly saw a video with a date of yesterday, subconsciously clicked on it again.

After watching for a while, she trembled uncontrollably!

In this video, it is still a massacre, but the target of the massacre is no longer a mouse, but a rabbit!
And the condition of the rabbit's death was still extremely miserable.

Wang Xuan hurriedly passed the video to Xu Baoyuan to watch.

The latter also changed color.

The two immediately pulled out the cardboard box under Shi Xiaowei's bed.

Suddenly, I found that there were originally two rabbits inside.

At this moment, there is only one left!

The two stared at each other, and when they didn't know what to say, they suddenly heard footsteps coming towards the dormitory.

He immediately returned the carton to its original position, and then put the phone back.

It was just that in a hurry, the two of them didn't remember where the mobile phone was placed before, so they placed it on Shi Xiaowei's desk casually.

Shi Xiaowei opened the door and came in, put the water bottle away, and walked back to the table.

With a glance, her face suddenly became extremely gloomy: "Have you touched my things?"

Wang Xuan's heart skipped a beat!
Xu Baoyuan, on the other hand, was more courageous, and immediately retorted, "Who will touch your things!"

Shi Xiaowei snorted sinisterly, but didn't say anything else, just picked up the phone and fiddled with it for a while, then sat at the table and started studying.

After a while, she got up and went out again without her mobile phone.

Xu Baoyuan bravely went over, picked up Shi Xiaowei's cell phone and looked at it, and then her face became ugly.

After a while, a message came from Wang Xuan's cell phone.

At first glance, it was Xu Baoyuan's WeChat.

"She added a lock screen password." Xu Baoyuan said.

Wang Xuan didn't reply, but just remembered that two nights ago, she had noticed that Shi Xiaowei had left the dormitory in the middle of the night, sneaky, could it be that she just went out to do these things?
How long has she been doing this?

Last time it was a mouse, this time it was a rabbit... What will it be next time? ...

At night, this time Wang Xuan deliberately didn't fall asleep, but turned her back towards Shi Xiaowei.

It was about one o'clock.

She heard a rustling sound from Shi Xiaowei's bed.After a while, she heard that Shi Xiaowei seemed to stand up.

Then came the sound of shoes being put on.

Then there was the rustling of something being dragged across the floor.

It should be Shi Xiaowei who took out the cardboard box containing the rabbit from under the bed.

Then, footsteps walked towards the door.

The door was opened, and Shi Xiaowei went out.

Wang Xuan didn't dare to turn her head back. After a long, long time, when she didn't hear any sound, she turned over very slowly and looked at Xu Baoyuan.

With the faint street light coming in from the window, she saw Xu Baoyuan was also staring at her, her whole face turned pale, and the quilt kept shaking.

The two looked at each other like this, and both saw endless fear in each other's eyes.

After about an hour, Shi Xiaowei came back.

She went to the bathroom to wash her hands as if nothing had happened, then climbed into bed, shook the quilt and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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