my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 443 452454 The perverted murderer (13)

Chapter 443 452~454 The Perverted Murderer (1~3)

The eighth day of the new year.

Da da da.

Stepping on ten-inch high heels, Yao Caishan put her phone to her ear: "Mom, I'll be home soon."

"Oh, can you find some better blind dates for me... That man is too top-notch, first ask me how much my salary is..."

Yao Caishan recalled the blind date scene just now, and her pretty face was full of anger.

The other party's income was only seven or eight thousand a month, so he had an inexplicable sense of superiority on his face, and asked her if she was a virgin. When Yao Caishan asked him if he was a virgin, he said that men are different from women. Men can blame women, but women must. Clean yourself up.She also said that if Yao Caishan's family was not a local in H City and had a house, she would never have considered going on a blind date.

Annoyed, Yao Caishan grabbed a cup of steaming coffee in front of her on the spot, and poured it on that face full of superiority, then cursed, "Get out of your mb's straight male cancer", got up and left.

Back downstairs at her parents' house, Yao Caishan put away her phone and went upstairs.

Because of the Chinese New Year, she went back to live with her parents during this time.

This is an old community in H City, there is no * elevator, Yao Caishan's parents' home is on the sixth floor, and she goes up the stairs one by one.

dong dong dong-

While she was going upstairs, someone upstairs went downstairs quickly.

When the two walked to the same floor, Yao Caishan casually looked up at each other.

He was a medium-sized male, wearing a down jacket, scarf, peaked cap, and mask. He was fully armed, covering most of his face, except for a pair of long, narrow and gloomy eyes.

I don't know what I look like, and I don't know my age.

Yao Caishan didn't pay attention either, and when she passed by, she saw some reddish-brown traces on the corner of the clothes exposed by the other party.

The two staggered.

Yao Caishan continued to go upstairs, and when she reached the corner of the fourth floor, she glanced at it and suddenly saw a men's wallet lying on the ground, she walked over to pick it up.

She casually opened her wallet and looked at it.

Inside was some money, a few cards, and an ID.

The man on the certificate looks ordinary, but he is described as a bit fierce.

"Who dropped the wallet?" Yao Caishan muttered, suddenly thinking of the man who just went downstairs.

Could it be that he lost it?
Thinking of this, Yao Caishan walked to the entrance of the floor and looked out, but she could no longer see the other party.

She waited in place for a while, but did not see the owner come back to look for it.

"Forget it, the property management will go to work tomorrow, so I will hand it over to the property management company. Then let them post a notice, and the owner will know to go to the property management company to pick it up after seeing it." Yao Caishan waited impatiently, after thinking about it, she decided to deal with it like this, and then casually Put the wallet in the bag and go upstairs.

After knocking on the door.

Mother Yao opened the door.

"Don't ask me about the blind date, I don't want to talk about today's top product." Yao Caishan's first sentence was this, she took off her high heels, put on slippers and entered the door.

"Why are you so picky? He also graduated from a prestigious school, has a stable job, no bad habits, and looks good..."

"I know, I know, but people don't like your daughter." Yao Caishan said lazily: "The external appearance is not important, but the internal is more important. Don't worry, I will definitely find someone who is a hundred times stronger than him."

"Besides, if you don't like others, don't pour coffee on them..." Mother Yao continued nagging.

"Yes, next time I will remember to bring sulfuric acid." Yao Caishan said blankly. "It's so wasteful to splash with coffee, I paid for it."

early morning.

Yao Caishan put down the phone, yawned, then turned off the lights, and got into the quilt to sleep.

In the darkness, a faint yin energy suddenly floated up from the window, and gradually diffused in her room...


In a strange house.

A woman is busy cooking in the kitchen, and in the bedroom on the other side, there is a wooden crib.

On the bed, a baby girl in a pink cotton coat is playing with a toy alone.

The baby girl looked only about ten months old, she was chubby and very cute, her big eyes were like two dark grapes.

Suddenly, the baby girl dropped the toy, waved her chubby hand like a lotus root, opened her small mouth with few teeth and began to cry loudly.

"Baby, what's the matter?" The woman wiped her hands and ran into the bedroom quickly.

Looking at the baby girl who was eating her fingers fiercely, the woman showed a gentle smile, "Are you hungry? Mommy will make milk for you,"

After speaking, the woman picked up the baby bottle that was set aside and went to the kitchen.

She had just poured warm water into the bottle, and when she was adjusting the temperature of the water, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Who is it?" The woman put down the bottle, walked to the door, and asked.

He looked out through the peephole on the door again.

In the cat's eyes, there is a man wearing a peaked cap and overalls, with his head lowered, and he said in a weird voice:
"There is your courier, it is paid on delivery, please open the door to sign for it."

"My delivery?" the woman muttered to herself, "I don't remember buying anything online recently, did I forget?"

Although she had doubts in her heart, she still opened the door.

The man handed her a cardboard box in his hand.

The woman took it, but didn't see the courier slip on it, and looked at him in surprise.Suddenly, he saw the other party raised his lowered head, with a ferocious smile on his face, then he stretched out two big hands, and grabbed her neck fiercely!

The woman wanted to call for help, but her voice was blocked in her throat, and she couldn't utter a sound.

She raised her two hands, subconsciously wanting to break away the other's hands that were strangling her neck, but the other's hands were so strong that the woman's face soon turned purple due to lack of oxygen, and her consciousness gradually disappeared. The world is gradually falling into darkness.


On the side, the baby girl saw her mother being attacked by a stranger. Although she didn't understand what happened in her young head, she still subconsciously opened her mouth and burst into tears.


The baby girl's voice, like a thunderbolt, resounded in the ears of the woman whose world was almost completely dark, causing her to recover a sliver of sobriety in an instant.

not good!

She wants to protect her child!

She can't let the bastard in front of her hurt her child!

So, the woman waved her hands and feet with all her strength, and struggled crazily. In desperation, her hands seemed to touch the back of the man's hand, and then she grabbed it hard with her long nails, cutting several deep cuts. bloodstains.

The man roared ferociously, "Damn it!", then grabbed the woman, and slammed her head hard against the wall!
The back of the head was hit violently, making the woman completely unconscious.

When she woke up again, she felt that she couldn't move her whole body, and when she looked again, she saw that her hands and feet were tied up with ropes, and she had no clothes on her body, and there were traces of being imprisoned everywhere.

At some point, the TV in the living room was turned on and the sound was turned up to the maximum.

Amidst the noisy TV, there was the sound of footsteps, mixed with the crying of a baby girl.

Crying heartbreakingly, crying out of breath.

The woman raised her head tremblingly. When she saw the scene in front of her, the whole world collapsed, her eyes became white, and all the blood seemed to rush into her brain.

She saw that her child was grabbed by the strange man who broke in just now, covered in blood.

This bloody scene made the woman collapse, and made her howl and howl like a desperate mother beast, extremely horrific.

But all of this was covered by the sound of the TV.

She struggled hard, but to no avail.

Then, she saw the man, throwing away the daughter she regarded as a treasure and loved her life as if she was throwing garbage, holding a knife, showing a strange smile, and walking towards her...


Accompanied by a shrill scream, Yao Caishan sat up suddenly, covered in cold sweat, caressing her chest in the dark, panting heavily.

My heart hurts as if being squeezed hard, and it is difficult to breathe.

After a long time, she gradually calmed down.

"Oh my God, what kind of dream is this..." Yao Caishan sighed and muttered to herself, "However, luckily it's just a dream..."

It was so terrifying.

After sitting for a while, Yao Caishan recalled the dream again, but found that it had been blurred in memory.

"Let's continue to sleep..." After muttering, she lay down again.


Early the next morning.

Yao Caishan had a bloodless face, and under her eyes were bruises that were comparable to national treasures. She was sitting at the table eating porridge and deep-fried dough sticks.

Since the nightmare last night, she has had a terrible sleep in the second half of the night, always repeating the fragments of that dream.

Every time I woke up, sweating coldly.

Later, she didn't go to sleep at all, and played with her mobile phone on the bed until early in the morning.

"I just know how to play with my mobile phone." Yao's mother nagged and reminded her while sweeping the floor. "There is another blind date at noon today, at the gate of Bizhu Park at 12:[-], don't forget it."

"I know, I know..." Yao Caishan replied weakly.

"Look at your ghostly appearance. You have no energy at all. Did you not sleep last night? Don't forget to put on makeup before you go out, otherwise you will scare people away." Mother Yao said.

"Run away if you scare me away." Yao Caishan muttered, "I don't want a man who judges a man by his appearance."

"Just talk back, you can!" Yao's mother was angry, and slapped her on the head, almost slapping her directly into the porridge, "You are so capable, solve your life's major issues as soon as possible, don't let me worry about it, okay? ?”

Yao Caishan said angrily: "Don't worry, it's impossible that no one wants me!"

"Whose old lady are you?!"

"I... I'm wrong, can't I? Ah, put down the broom quickly!"


12 o'clock noon.

In the bathroom, Yao Caishan faced the mirror and began to put on makeup.

Suddenly, she was in a trance.

On the glass, two bright red characters appeared at some point.


It seemed to be written in fresh blood, and the red viscous blood was still flowing down.

"What is this!" Yao Caishan took a breath, took a step back, and her face became snow-white.

When she looked again, the words on the mirror disappeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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