my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 456 Orphanage Haunted (3)

Chapter 456 Orphanage Haunted (3)

After a while, the driver asked the three of them what they were doing at the children's welfare home.

Mo Xiaotong rolled his eyes and said mysteriously: "Actually, we heard that there is a ghost there from the Internet, and we want to see it. Brother, do you know about this? Is it true?"

In fact, the three of them had checked the information of this children's welfare home on the Internet before.

This children's welfare home was built a few years ago, not supported by the government, but privately run.

However, it didn't take long before it was turned off.

As for the reason for the closure, no one on the Internet has given conclusive evidence.Netizens, on the other hand, have mixed opinions.

However, all kinds of claims have been refuted. Some netizens said that they went to the children's welfare home specifically, and saw no traces of the fire, nor did they see any strange things.

"Oh my sister, you are really asking the right person when you ask me that." The driver became more enthusiastic. "Actually, my family used to live in that area, but I just moved away recently. I am familiar with the things there."

"That orphanage, I heard it was run by a rich man, and there were hundreds of children in it at the beginning. However, it didn't take long for it to be built, and things started to happen..."

"At the beginning, I remember, a child rolled down the stairs and broke his neck..."

"When this happened, it seemed that the orphanage had only been completed for more than half a year."

"Anyway, in just over a year, several children died there. I heard that even one or two management personnel died..."

"However, at that time, except for the people around us who knew a little about these things, no one else knew. It must have been suppressed by someone. Later, I heard that there were children who disappeared for no reason..."

"We also wondered whether those children who disappeared were sold by human traffickers. Did the dead ones sell their organs?"

"However, I later heard that the government went to investigate, and specifically refuted the rumors that there was no such thing. Then, for some reason, it suddenly closed."

"Some people say there are ghosts inside... I don't know if there are, but my neighbor said that he passed by the entrance of the orphanage once and saw a child inside!"

"Aren't you surprised? It was closed for more than half a year at that time. How could there be children in it? I don't believe it. I have seen it quietly from the door a few times. I didn't see the child! I I think he may have misread it, but my neighbor is very sure, saying that he must have seen a child, who looks really good... Or, maybe someone's naughty child slipped in to play?"

"However, not long after this happened, my family moved away, so I don't know what will happen afterwards."

(End of this chapter)

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