my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 474 Nightmare Fog

Chapter 474 Nightmare Fog
"Can't kill it completely?" Xuangui Patriarch pouts, "This is really interesting."

Even the so-called immortal zombies would perish if they were dealt with by Shen Donghe in such a way. This monster can actually recover again.

"Or, how about you eat it?" Shen Donghe asked suddenly.

"Fuck you. Patriarch, I'm afraid of having a stomachache." Xuangui Patriarch stared. "Is there nothing you can do, dead zombie?"

Shen Donghe smiled and said, "How is it possible."

Seeing their casual appearance, Meng Meng's eyes turned slightly cold, and a sneer appeared on his face: "Big words!"

As soon as the words fell, the corpse mountain monster shook its stumped body again, striding forward with an unpleasant stench.

"I don't shed tears when I don't see the coffin." Shen Donghe's eyes flashed coldly, and in that instant, his corpse energy emerged and circulated, instantly crushing the monster again like a torrent of river water.

"This thing can only work with the power of your dreams. Even if you combine it again, it will consume part of your power. If you can't kill it once, you can do it hundreds of times, and it will always exhaust your power."

After Shen Donghe finished speaking, he glanced at Mengyan. "However, at that time, I'm afraid that you will die first."

Nightmare suddenly showed a grim smile.

"Could it be that you think that my deep dreams are only so capable?"

"If so, how can it live up to its name of despair and fear."

It swung its forelimbs, and the limbs of the monster chopped up by Shen Donghe suddenly became erratic, and the next moment, there was a sudden change!
These corpses burst open!

When they exploded, they instantly turned into a foul-smelling black mist, filling everyone's surroundings.

"I like to call them the fog of nightmares...they will infinitely magnify the deepest fears in the human heart...death, pain, despair, betrayal, fall, loss... once covered by the fog of nightmares, you will linger in the nightmare forever..."


Mo Xiaotong suddenly opened his eyes, and found himself lying on an unfamiliar ground, every part of his body was in pain, it was so real.

"Where is this?"

"Aren't I with Shen Donghe in the deep dream of the nightmare?" Countless questions flooded into her mind, she recalled, but she couldn't remember what happened in the end, she just felt as if her head was about to explode.

"We have come out of the nightmare dream." The voice of the ancestor Xuangui came from the storage bag, a little low.

Mo Xiaotong's vision gradually became clear. Although her body was full of severe pain when she moved, she still sat up forcefully, only to realize that although the surrounding environment was old and dusty, there was a feeling of déjà vu.

In the long corridor, there are some cartoon pictures that are about to peel off on the walls, and the floor tiles are thick with dust. It seems that no one has been here for a long time.

"This...why does it seem to be that orphanage?"

"Where's Shen Donghe?" Enduring the pain, Mo Xiaotong asked the ancestor Xuangui in a very weak voice. "There are also Huoxing, Wen Yu and the others..."

The Xuangui Patriarch was silent, and did not speak for a long while.

"What's the matter, what happened?" Mo Xiaotong asked with a trembling voice, feeling increasingly uneasy.

The ancestor of Xuangui slowly crawled out, his expression was extremely complicated, he hesitated to speak, and finally just shook his head: "Only you and I came out."

"...You, what do you mean by that..." Mo Xiaotong's head roared, and he could barely speak.

(End of this chapter)

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