my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 487 It's the first time, please bear with me

Chapter 487 It's My First Time, You Should Be More Forgiving
Under the night, Yao Caishan and Zhang Xuanyi strolled on the street.

"What's the matter, you don't look very happy these days." Yao Caishan asked looking at Zhang Xuanyi who was silent all the way.

"how do you know?"

"Because you've been walking for so long, you haven't even smoked a cigarette." Yao Caishan smiled. "Isn't it about quitting smoking?"

"It's nothing." Zhang Xuanyi shook his head, "I'm a little upset about work."

For some reason, he always felt that the captain seemed to have changed a lot during this period of time.

Just like the case of the old ghost today, if it was in the past, the captain must have found a way to subdue the old ghost and then save him, instead of choosing to kill him directly.

Is the Shen Feng he saw today really the captain he has always loved and respected?
Why does the current captain make him feel a little strange and unacceptable...



The two returned to City H with Wen Yu.

Shen Donghe gave Wen Yu the guest room to live in.

Wen Yu's personality is precocious and her self-care ability is also very good. There is almost nothing for the two of them to worry about.

However, after all, there is an extra child, which is still a little different.

in the supermarket.

"Clothes, daily necessities, painting materials..." Mo Xiaotong put a large number of things that Wen Yu would use into their shopping carts.

She suddenly thought of something, glanced at Wen Yu obediently following behind, frowned and asked Shen Donghe.

"By the way, ordinary primary schools are about to start. Does Wen Yu need to go to school? How old is he?"

"Wait until September, he is not yet of age. I will find a way to transfer his custody in a few months."

When passing the vegetable and fruit area.

On a whim, Mo Xiaotong bought a lot of vegetables, meat, oil, salt, various seasonings and kitchen utensils, and even bought a rice cooker, saying that he wanted to cook by himself so that Wen Yu could eat more nutritiously.

Shen Donghe asked: "Can you cook?"

Mo Xiaotong said: "If you don't know how to learn, everything begins with the first step."

After returning, Mo Xiaotong found some recipes, started to toss about, and put down his rhetoric, saying that today's dinner will be contracted by her.

At this time, Shen Donghe took out a tablet computer he bought and gave it to Wen Yu.

"Will it work?"

Wen Yu glanced at him and shook her head.

"Oh, turn it on like this." After Shen Donghe taught him to turn it on, he connected to the Internet and downloaded an app for learning pinyin and simple Chinese characters, and then just let it go, "You can play by yourself."

Wen Yu nodded.

"Within one month, learn all the characters in it." Shen Donghe said again.

When Mo Xiaotong brought out the dishes, he saw this scene.

Can't help but say: "A month? Can he learn it in such a short time?"

Shen Donghe said: "Don't use your IQ to judge him, the Tianjixing are all legendary geniuses."

Mo Xiaotong rolled his eyes violently.

"Are you ready?"

Shen Donghe looked at the dining table, and suddenly frowned imperceptibly.

What is that plate of unrecognizable things on the table?

Shen Donghe suddenly rejoiced for the first time that he was a zombie and could survive without eating.

"It's done well..." Mo Xiaotong said very confidently, "But it's the first time after all, you should be more tolerant."

"Have you tasted it yourself?" Out of caution, Shen Donghe asked.

Mo Xiaotong said with a guilty smile: "Hehehehehe, apart from being burnt and salty, everything else is fine..."

"Go eat." Shen Donghe directed Wen Yu to be a guinea pig.

(End of this chapter)

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