my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 54 The Ghost King (3)

Chapter 54 Ghost King of the Ten Palaces ([-])

"Emperor Song, you actually used this kind of soul-destroying ghost technique on a mortal?"

Suddenly, Shen Donghe's slightly cold voice came into her ears.

Mo Xiaotong's eyes suddenly lit up.

Hell disappeared without a trace.

Only then did she realize that she was still where she was, but her whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

Was it just an illusion?
But, it's all too real.

It was so real that when she recalled it now, her heart was twitching, and she was so frightened that she was about to suffocate.

Fang Xiaoyu on the side didn't know what happened. Seeing her ugly face, he asked, "Xiao Mo, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Mo Xiaotong's face was pale, but his eyes were fixed on the ghost king who spoke just now.

It must be his fault!
If it wasn't for Shen Donghe's words to bring her back to reality, I'm afraid she would be scared to death in that hallucination!
"A mere ant dares to speak disobediently and disrespect us. It should have been punished by gouging out eyes, pulling out tongues, and scraping bones, but now it's just a minor punishment and a major punishment." sneered.

Mo Xiaotong stared at him and cursed in his heart:

What the hell are you an ant, your whole family is an ant!
Gouging your ant's eyes, pulling out your ant's tongue, scraping your ant's bones...

He also heard King Qin Guang say coldly: "Master You Ming's matter, you have nothing to say about it, and the Tenth Palace will naturally send ghost messengers to investigate. But you have trespassed in the ghost world, and you must give an explanation today."

It's really nonsense and unreasonable!

Mo Xiaotong finally understood that this group of ghost kings and Mr. Youming were just ghosts protecting each other, turning black and white.

"Hehe." Shen Donghe smiled and said, "What do you want to explain?"

King Qin Guang also laughed, a gloomy smile.

"It's very simple, there is only one condition."

"Shen Donghe, as long as you can stand still and take the blow from the five of us without dodging."

"No matter what the result is, you are free to leave."

"Of course, you don't have to agree, anyway, I can't keep you."

"However..." King Qin Guang's meaningful eyes flicked slightly over Mo Xiaotong and the others.

Do you want Dr. Shen to take a joint blow from the five of them without moving?
Isn't that equal to five beating one, and how shameless it is!
Looking at the terrifying Emperor Song, Mo Xiaotong didn't dare to curse, but his face turned pale with anger.

But what made her even more uncomfortable was that, according to Qin Guangwang's tone, Shen Donghe was fully confident in leaving, but the group of people turned out to be the ghost king's tools to blackmail Shen Donghe.

She is sad and sorry.

She suddenly had an impulse to tell Shen Donghe to leave them alone, and just leave by herself.

But who knows which ghost king moved his hands and feet, no matter how hard Mo Xiaotong tried, he couldn't make a sound.

Shen Donghe was silent for a moment, and finally spoke calmly:
"You were defeated by me back then, and you must still be brooding about it."

"Today, I will give you a chance to vent your anger."

Qin Guangwang laughed: "Okay, refreshing."

The five ghost kings exchanged their gazes, and suddenly all the ghost energy in their bodies evaporated and gathered together, just like a flaming black cloud appeared high in the sky, and a terrifying wind swept between the sky and the earth .

The next moment, the black cloud turned into a huge and ferocious giant hand, and it fell towards Shen Donghe slowly, but with an extremely heavy weight.

The surrounding space seemed to freeze.

There are only countless breath-taking cold breaths hovering and whistling.

(End of this chapter)

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