my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 586 Take care of you for a lifetime

Chapter 586 Take Care of You Forever
This grandma's legs and feet are not very good, and she walks with a slight limp.

"He didn't want to do something to that mother-in-law, did he?" Mo Xiaotong felt that something was wrong, the old ghost's resentment was not strong, he didn't look like an evil ghost.

She couldn't help slowing down the car and watching this scene.

It was late at this time, the street lights were dim, and the night was misty.

Grandma staggered suddenly and fell forward.

The old ghost's face suddenly changed, and he rushed over in an instant, stretching out his arms towards Grandma, as if he wanted to help her.

But he didn't even have a physical body, he could only watch grandma pass through his arm.

Grandma fell to the ground in embarrassment and couldn't get up for a long time.

Mo Xiaotong stopped the car hurriedly, got out of the car and ran to Grandma's side, helping her up.

"Grandma, are you okay?" Mo Xiaotong asked.

"My feet..." Grandma broke out in cold sweat from the pain, pointing tremblingly at her ankles.

"No serious problem." Shen Donghe, who also came over, checked and saw that Granny only had a sprained ankle, so he squatted down to treat her.

"Huh. It doesn't hurt now." Grandma heaved a sigh of relief.

"Grandma, why are you coming out so late?" Mo Xiaotong looked at the time, it was almost ten o'clock.

"I'm used to it. At this time every day, as long as it doesn't rain or snow, I will go out with the old man for a few laps, and then go back to sleep..." Grandma murmured. "He will help me every time and tell me to watch the road carefully..."

Mo Xiaotong asked strangely: "Then why are you alone now, where is your wife?"

As soon as she heard her question, tears suddenly appeared in Grandma's muddy eyes.

"More than a month ago, I said I wanted to eat pork belly soup. When he was going to buy pork belly, he was hit by a car at this intersection..." Grandma's face was full of wrinkles. When the collision occurred, the driver ran away before he lost his breath."

"There are very few people on this road. At that time, the surveillance camera showed that there were a few people passing by, but no one rescued him. He was afraid that he was a fake, and he was afraid of being blackmailed..." Sad sobs echoed in the night. "Old man, if I had known it would turn out like this, I would never have eaten pork belly soup..."

Mo Xiaotong turned around and took a look, and saw that the old ghost was looking at Grandma with deep concern in his eyes.

"When your wife left, did you wear a Chinese tunic suit, cloth shoes, and black-rimmed glasses?"

Grandma's stooped body shook slightly, and the old face looked at Mo Xiaotong in surprise: "How do you know?"

"Don't be surprised." Mo Xiaotong said, "Actually, his ghost has been following you... Has he lost his wish?"

When Grandma heard this, she looked around excitedly: "Really? Where is he, where is he?"

Mo Xiaotong made a trick, asked Grandma to close her eyes, tapped her eyes and ears respectively, and then said: "Look again."

The old woman opened her eyes, and when she saw the old ghost in front of her, tears appeared in her old eyes again: "Old man, you just left like this, didn't you agree that we will live together until we are a hundred years old, and then we will live together on the same day?" Do you want to go again..."

The old ghost sighed sadly, floated in front of Grandma, and said to her: "I left suddenly, and there were many things I didn't explain to you, so I was worried, so I never went to reincarnation. Remember, important documents and documents at home Passbooks are placed in the innermost second drawer of the wardrobe, and the medicine box is in the first drawer of the chest of drawers..."

"Also, remember to take your high blood pressure medicine every morning before meals. Don't forget the time when you cook the soup. It's easy to cause trouble when it's boiled dry. I remind you every time. Your legs and feet are not good. I used to be your crutch , now that I'm gone, you must pay attention when you walk, as you get older, it's easy to cause accidents if you fall..."

"In the past, you were careless and always asked me to take care of you. Now that I'm gone, the children are all out of town and not by your side. You should pay attention to these..."

Grandma nodded heavily and said, "I've written it all down."

But the old ghost shook his head and said, "Your memory is not good, so write it down with a pen and paper as soon as you get back."

A smile appeared on the old woman's old face, and she said: "I remember it all. Who said I have a bad memory? I remember that today is your last seven days. I still remember that there are two months and three days before your 80th birthday. The second day of June next year will be our 58th wedding anniversary..."

The old ghost sighed: "Then why were you always forgetting everything before, causing me to worry all the time, even being a ghost, I always miss you."

"Silly old man, because you are taking care of me, I don't have to remember these things..." Grandma choked up, "I like being taken care of by you, that's why I let you take care of me for the rest of my life..."

After Grandma and the old ghost talked for a long time, the old ghost finally said: "I should go. You live well and live the rest of my days for me."

Grandma kept nodding.

The old ghost's eyes were full of tenderness, and his figure gradually disappeared under the night.

Ziyuan Xincheng.

Shen Donghe was reading a book by the bed, his long eyelashes drooping, his eyes focused, and his fingertips pressing the side of the page.

At this time, Mo Xiaotong suddenly remembered the old couple she saw tonight, so she turned over and grabbed the book in Shen Donghe's hand, threw it on the carpet, then stuffed herself into Shen Donghe's arms, curled up With both legs tucked in, Shen Donghe's hands were wrapped around his waist.

Then, she met Shen Donghe's eyes and asked, "Will you take care of me forever? Even if I become as old as that mother-in-law?"

Shen Donghe hummed lightly.

Mo Xiaotong was not satisfied with the answer, and asked, "What does um mean?"

Shen Donghe smiled, stretched out a hand, gently stroked Mo Xiaotong's long hair, and said, "Don't ask questions when you know what you know."

Mo Xiaotong was very comfortable being touched, his eyes narrowed, but he still insisted: "Is it possible or not?"

Shen Donghe: "Yes."

A bright smile bloomed on Mo Xiaotong's face, he closed his eyes in enjoyment, and said softly.

"I remember it. It's a promise for the rest of my life that I won't lose even one minute."

After a while, Shen Donghe said, "I will do it in my next life."

Whether in this life or in the next life.

Whether it's 100 years or 1000 years.

I just want to be with you, even on the most ordinary days, share simple mornings and nights, share pure happiness and joy, share a cup of tea, a bed, and want to see you smiling beside me.

Those human beings who can't live for 100 years have done trivial daily things that once seemed meaningless to me.

Now it seems that it is so warm and beautiful.

I want to do everything with you.

 2000 word chapter.I don't know if I can wait
(End of this chapter)

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