my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 593 You Are Pregnant

Chapter 593 You Are Pregnant
"Looking at your pale lips and tongue, lack of qi in the middle, you seem to have symptoms of qi deficiency and blood deficiency. Do you still have loss of appetite, fever, palpitations, shortness of breath, and chills?"

"That's right, that's right." Ma Shiya's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly responded. "Then how should people take care of their bodies?"

Mo Xiaotong glanced at Shen Donghe, and murmured in his heart, why is this zombie so enthusiastic all of a sudden, he is treating others?
At this moment, she suddenly heard Shen Donghe's faint voice: "Stretch out your hand, I'll help you check your pulse."

Mo Xiaotong was shocked all over, looking at Shen Donghe with disbelief in his eyes.

Isn't it true, Shen Donghe wants to help Ma Shiya feel the pulse?

"What's the pulse? What's the point? Why don't you go to the hospital if you're sick?" Mo Xiaotong said angrily without even thinking about it.

Ma Shiya giggled: "Mo Xiaotong, why are you so nervous, it doesn't matter if you have a pulse, are you afraid that I will snatch your boyfriend away?"

Shen Donghe looked at Mo Xiaotong, smiled, and said, "Good boy, it's okay, it will be fine soon."

After he said that, Mo Xiaotong could only hold back his anger and didn't speak anymore.

So, with a smile full of spring, Ma Shiya stretched out her hand from the side of the seat, and handed it to Shen Donghe.

Mo Xiaotong's eyes were fixed, and he saw Shen Donghe's right hand fingers on Ma Shiya's wrist.

At that moment, Mo Xiaotong seemed to be hit by five thunders, and he was almost mad with anger. Suddenly, he patted the back of Zeng Liang's chair forcefully, and said loudly: "Stop the car, I want to get off!"

Ma Shiya's husband, Zeng Liang, hurriedly said, "No, the car is not pulled over now, so we can't stop."

Only then did Mo Xiaotong realize that he had said something stupid, so he could only turn his head aside, angrily refusing to look at the scene next to him.

Shen Donghe looked serious, and after a while, his fingertips left the latter's wrist, his eyelashes slightly raised, and he looked at Ma Shiya with deep eyes.

Seeing Ma Shiya's heart beating wildly, her cheeks flushed.

Mo Xiaotong gritted his teeth while watching, thinking of strangling Ma Shiya to death.

"Fortunately, it's not serious. It's just..."

Shen Donghe's words paused.

Ma Shiya had been paying attention to him, but now she hurriedly asked, "Is there anything else?"

"The pulse condition shows that you are pregnant for about a month, so pay attention to your body." Shen Donghe said lightly.

After saying this, the BMW's direction swayed abruptly, almost driving into another lane.

And Ma Shiya's eyes widened suddenly, her mouth opened wide, and she stammered, "You, what did you say?"

The expression was extremely shocked, as if Shen Donghe's words were extremely unbelievable to her.

Shen Donghe smiled, and repeated lightly: "Congratulations, you are pregnant."

Although it was in the middle of the road, BMW suddenly braked suddenly!

The car behind was honking, but Zeng Liang suddenly turned his head, stared at Shen Donghe, his eyes were bigger than copper bells, and asked out of breath, "What you said is true, huh?"

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible." Ma Shiya cried out suddenly, looked at Zeng Liang and said, "Honey, he must have made a mistake."

Ma Shiya is so young, what's the big deal about being pregnant, is it worth being so excited?

Mo Xiaotong looked at the performance of Ma Shiya and his wife in surprise, feeling a little strange in his heart.

Moreover, the average couple should be pleasantly surprised when they hear that their wife is pregnant, even if it is unexpected.

But looking at the performance of Ma Shiya and his wife, they were shocked, but they didn't feel the slightest sense of joy.

It's so weird.

(End of this chapter)

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