my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 612 The Nervous Mo Xiaotong

Chapter 612 The Nervous Mo Xiaotong
"Really? Since Fellow Daoist Shen said so, it must be true." Lin Xinglan immediately said with a smile, "It seems that he played well this time!"

This time it was Yu Yu's turn to turn dark, and he snorted and said, "It's still early, there are only 61 questions, and there are more than one third left!"

Then he looked at Shen Donghe and Mo Xiaotong again, and asked Lin Xinglan: "These two are...?"

Yu Yu was a little surprised.It's okay for Mo Xiaotong to say it, but Shen Donghe, even he can't tell the depth.

Star Lord Tiantong and Star Master Wuqu also looked over.

In fact, they had noticed Shen Donghe a long time ago, but Lin Xinglan didn't introduce him, so it was difficult for them to ask.

But Lin Xinglan just laughed, "My grandson's two friends are not from our Maoshan sect." Then he changed the topic.

Yu Yu heheed twice, and it was obvious that Lin Xinglan didn't want to say more.

A few of them are all human-like characters, with small calculations in their hearts, but they don't show it.

Yuan Yurou couldn't help turning her eyes away.

Before, she didn't look at other places because of etiquette.

At this moment, her eyes officially fell on Shen Donghe.

Immediately, she couldn't help feeling a little surprised, and even a little absent-minded.

"This man is really..."

At this moment, Yuan Yurou didn't know what adjective to use to describe Shen Donghe!

No, neither is right, all I can say is.

Everything is just right.

It's the kind that makes you feel extremely comfortable at first glance, but you can't tell where the comfort is.Because every part of him was born so well.

It won't be too ostentatious, nor too low-key, nor is it superficial.

Look at it a few more times, but you will gradually be more and more attracted to it.

Especially those black eyes, the beauty is restrained, like a sword in its sheath, like an iceberg in the deep sea, but it may show sharpness and chill at any time.

The only thing that made her a little dissatisfied was that the other party seemed to ignore her completely, and his eyes only occasionally swept across her body without any waves.

It even made her inexplicably feel that in the eyes of the other party, she was no different from anyone present, even a tree, a stone, or a chair.

"How is this possible?" Yuan Yurou found it unbelievable, and was even slightly displeased.

How could anyone not pay attention to her?
Maybe it was because he was too concentrated, so he didn't notice her?
Or did he think playing hard to get would work for her?

Suddenly, Yuan Yurou saw that the other party suddenly turned his head, and when he looked at a young girl beside him, his eyes softened instantly.

The two didn't know what to say, and the other smiled.

Then, Yuan Yurou suddenly noticed that the young girl next to the other party suddenly looked at her with hostile and guarded eyes.

"Hehe..." Yuan Yurou withdrew her gaze and lowered her eyes slightly, feeling a little disdainful in her heart.

This woman is really ridiculous, she just paid attention to that man so briefly, and she lost her composure like this.Consider yourself an imaginary enemy?

"That's right, facing me, how many women will not be nervous or feel a sense of crisis?"

Yuan Yurou felt a little proud in her heart.

Shen Donghe didn't pay attention to her unhappiness just now, and temporarily put it to the back of his mind.

But at this moment, Mo Xiaotong has been staring at Yuan Yurou!

The moment Yuan Yurou looked at Shen Donghe in a daze before, all of them fell into Mo Xiaotong's eyes, making Mo Xiaotong's teeth itch.

(End of this chapter)

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