my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 63 That's a happy decision

Chapter 63 That's a happy decision
Mo Xiaotong's answer was beyond Shen Donghe's expectation, he thought the woman in front of him would show disgust or fear.

I was in a trance.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid?" Mo Xiaotong asked back.

Shen Donghe paused and emphasized: "I am a zombie."

Mo Xiaotong said: "What's wrong with the zombies, don't worry, I have discussed this matter with Brother Fang, and I will keep it a secret for you, and you are our savior, I am grateful that you have no time to repay you, how can you be afraid .”

Counting the time at Houshan, she was saved twice by Shen Donghe.

And for Mo Xiaotong, a big-faced nymphomaniac, it is acceptable to be so handsome even if he is a zombie!
Shen Donghe was silent for a moment, and said, "Don't think too much, I saved you all because..."

"Because of what?"

"Because I'm bored."

——"It is said that Donghe is ruthless. I thought that although you are ruthless, you have a heart. It turns out that you are neither heartless nor hearty."——

In Shen Donghe's memory, these were the last words spoken by the only person who could barely be regarded as his friend before leaving.

For nearly 100 years, why do I often think of this sentence?

Occasionally, he wondered, if he had agreed at that time, would he not have lost this friend?

But after all, there is no if.

Even if he searched the entire ghost world later, he couldn't find the whereabouts of that person's soul.

Shen Donghe didn't understand what this slightly bitter emotion that had lingered in his heart for hundreds of years was called.

Could this be the so-called regret?
So when this woman begged, did she suddenly have that strange urge to help her once?

Could it be that he is afraid and worried that if he rejects this woman again this time, he will regret it like he did in the past?

Mo Xiaotong sat up straight and said earnestly: "You can't calculate accounts like this. The ancients said that the favor of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, let alone the great favor of saving a life? Besides, my life is worthless to others. It may not be worth much, but it is still very important to me.”

When Shen Donghe wanted to say something more, Mo Xiaotong's eyes flickered suddenly, as if he had made up his mind.

"I've decided." Mo Xiaotong said seriously.

"What do you decide?"

"You saved me twice, I must repay you." Mo Xiaotong said very seriously.

For some reason, Shen Donghe had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, what Mo Xiaotong said next made his face change slightly.

"Now that you're injured and unable to move, I'll stay here to take care of you, okay?"

Shen Donghe said: "Not good."

Those who refused did not hesitate to think about it, and blurted out without hesitation.

You know, this is his private territory, and he is not used to other people staying in it.

"OK, since you agree, it's such a happy decision!" Mo Xiaotong said with a smile as if he didn't hear Shen Donghe's rejection.

Shen Donghe: "..."

He clearly said something wrong!
Shen Donghe was completely shocked by Mo Xiaotong's brazenness, he was speechless for a long time, and finally said helplessly:

"It's up to you, as long as you are quiet, I want to rest."

Otherwise, what can he do, this woman wants to stay here with a shameless face, and with his current injury condition, there is no way to drive her away.

"Don't worry, I will stay in the living room obediently, and I will never disturb you if I have nothing to do."

Oh yeah!

Mo Xiaotong promised with a serious face.But the little tail in my heart is wagging and wagging, all kinds of elation.

(End of this chapter)

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