my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 632 The Last Train on Route 14 (1)

Chapter 632 The Last Train on Route 14 (1)

That night.

After Wen Yu fell asleep, Shen Donghe cast a calming spell on him, allowing him to sleep peacefully for the night, and asked Mr. Gui to stay behind to protect him.


Mo Xiaotong and Shen Donghe drove to the "Baiyun Villa" stop on the No. 14 bus route.

This station is on Route 14, the third last station from the final station.

Further on, there is Caijiagang and the terminal Shangfenshan Crematorium.

According to "I'll wait for you at midnight", from this station onwards, at around 12 midnight, you may see the weird No. 14 last train.

The further you drive, the closer you get to the suburbs.

There are fewer and fewer vehicles on the road, and the buildings on both sides of the road are gradually old and low.

Baiyun Villa was originally a residential area to be developed. Several districts were planned, but in the end, only the first phase was barely completed, and then it was abandoned after the construction started. The surrounding barren farmland surrounded a lonely residential area, and the occupancy rate seemed to be very low. , only a few lights flickering in the darkness.


The two found the location of the No. 14 bus stop by the roadside of Baiyun Villa.

Perhaps because of the remoteness, there is only one bus here, a stop sign with peeling handwriting stands in the dark, and the street lights are broken, so ordinary people can't see it clearly.Mo Xiaotong also found the correct position by the light of the headlights.

After parking the car on the side of the road, the two got out of the car and walked to the station to wait for the bus.

"It's not time yet, let's wait!" Mo Xiaotong took Shen Donghe's hand, and once again solemnly explained, "Remember, don't make casual moves, otherwise I will get angry!"

"You've said it many times." Shen Donghe said flatly.

Time goes by little by little.

Mo Xiaotong took out his cell phone and looked at it.


Tick, tick, tick...


In the distance, in the first phase of Baiyun Villa, the already dotted lights, unexpectedly at the same moment——

Turn off at the same time!

At the same time, waves of coolness emerged out of thin air, and an incomparably thick cloudy air suddenly permeated the air, like thick black clouds, even covering the moonlight in the sky.

Immediately, the surroundings fell into darkness that could not be seen!
"Ah!" This sudden change made Mo Xiaotong exclaim involuntarily, and the hand holding Shen Donghe instantly turned into hugging his waist!
After yelling out, she realized her actions, and her little face became redder than a monkey's butt: Shame!Before, my sister vowed to solve it by herself, but she was frightened from the very beginning!

"I'm not afraid, it's just too sudden..." Mo Xiaotong let go of his hand and explained embarrassingly.

"Oh, I know." Shen Donghe pursed his lips.


There were many voices around the two of them.

"Why hasn't Route 14 come yet?"

"It's too late."

"Fuck, the driver is dead!"

"It's annoying, it's going to be late again today."

"Mom, I'm hungry..."


These voices are male and female, old and young, and they are different. It seems that there are many people in this station!
At the same time, Mo Xiaotong felt that a lot of ghosts suddenly appeared around him!

With a swipe, all the hairs on her body stood on end in an instant!

The little heart was also beating violently, as if it was about to jump out of the mouth!

Nima, she is not afraid of ghosts, and she is not afraid of darkness, but there are ghosts in such a dark place, and she shudders when she thinks about them!
At this moment, Mo Xiaotong finally understood.

It turns out that courage really has nothing to do with strength. Even if she is now a fourth-rank Yin master, she still can't help being cowardly when she encounters such an uncontrollable situation!Weak legs!My heart beats faster!I'm in a cold sweat!

(End of this chapter)

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