my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 643 Ghost Driver (5)

Chapter 643 Ghost Driver (5)

When he said this, Wang Bin paused for a while, with a fierce look in his eyes.

What happened at the station of Baiyun Villa?
Mo Xiaotong frowned and thought.

"When we arrived at Baiyun Villa, a few people came up. One of them, because the car was late, scolded me a lot, even my parents." Wang Bin sneered. Forget it, but that day, my mood was really bad to the extreme, so I also paid him a few words in return."

"Several of them, seeing that I dared to fight back, pulled me out of the driver's seat, punched and kicked me, burned me with cigarette butts, and stepped on my face with the soles of their shoes! And there was no one in the whole car. Give me a word of mercy!"

"It wasn't until they beat me up all over my body that they let me go and let me continue driving."

"So, I, who originally planned to die alone, suddenly changed my mind..." Wang Bin said in a sinister tone, "I want everyone in this car to die with me!"

Mo Xiaotong trembled involuntarily, and asked, "What did you do?"

Wang Bin pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing an incomparably sinister smile.

"Thinking about it now, it was such a coincidence that day, it was so late, and it was raining again, and even the street lights at the terminal just went out, and everything was just right, as if God was helping me and asking me to bring Let them die."

"It was so dark outside that I couldn't see anything. After I passed Caijiagang, I turned off the headlights on purpose and drove forward like this-in fact, I have driven this road for many years, even if I closed my eyes, I knew I was here. where."

"The car kept driving and didn't stop at the terminal, because it was too dark, and they didn't even know that the station had passed. I kept driving, and kept driving..."

At this point, Wang Bin paused, and then spit out a single word coldly from his mouth.

"One, straight, will, car, drive, arrived, there, that, one, lake, li!"

"It's crazy..." Yan Xing let out a low voice in disbelief when he heard Wang Bin's words.

And Mo Xiaotong's head boomed, as if hit by a thunderbolt!
Just by describing it in words, she could already imagine the pain and despair these passengers faced at that time!
The weather was so bad that night, I am afraid that the passengers in the car will not discover this nightmare until the car completely falls into the lake!

The bus was surrounded by icy lake water, and the water kept flowing in from various gaps, but due to the water pressure, the doors and windows could not be opened.And this kind of old-fashioned car is not equipped with that kind of impact hammer, like a cage, there is no way to escape.

What's more frightening is that the air in the carriage is limited, but it's raining, and there are many people on the train. With so many people crowded in the small carriage, the air will be consumed soon.

So, before being drowned by the lake, they would suffocate to death alive!

Then, their bodies will be soaked in the lake water to swell and rot...

It's just horrible!

At some point, Shen Donghe came to her side and hugged her lightly.

Only then did Mo Xiaotong calm down, took a few deep breaths, and finally forcibly dismissed the tragic scene from his mind.

After listening to Wang Bin's narration, all the doubts in her heart were basically resolved, and only the last question remained unanswered.

(End of this chapter)

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