my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 673 The Open Life Is Really Enviable, Jealous and Hateful

Chapter 673 The Open Life Is Really Enviable, Jealous and Hateful
That's the beauty of the Heavenly Master Sect, Yuan Yurou!
Mo Xiaotong still remembers that when the other party stared at Shen Donghe in the Yinshi Grand Competition, she suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

Why did I meet her here!
Is it because I didn't read the almanac when I went out today?

What a shame.

Yuan Yurou was also slightly taken aback when she saw Shen Donghe.There are not many men who can impress her, but the man opposite her is very fresh in her memory.

Because during this period of time, she would think of him from time to time, and the reason was very complicated.

The other party was not only the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her life, but also extremely powerful, defeating Qiao Ming with one move.After the Yin master competition was over, the two star masters both admitted that they couldn't see through each other's depth.

What troubled Yuan Yurou the most was that the other party completely ignored her at first.

However, Yuan Yurou would comfort herself again, maybe that time, there were too many people present and the distance between the two was far away, so the other party didn't notice her.

This time, it was her second meeting with him.

At this moment, the person in charge of the Maoshan Sect was about to introduce her, but Yuan Yurou didn't ask him to introduce her. Instead, she smiled and said, "I am Yuan Yurou, a graduate student in the Department of Archeology of Tsinghua University, and I am the head of the archaeological team, Professor Zhang. She is also a member of this archaeological team." Because of her family background, she is not only a disciple of Tianshizong, but also has other identities.

Tsinghua University!

I'm afraid there are not many Chinese people who don't know this top university in the country. Anyone who can enter Tsinghua University is a legendary scholar!Those are all existences that no scumbag can catch up with, they are all existences that Mo Xiaotong in the past has only heard of but never encountered!

With a high IQ, good looks, and a high EQ, is Yuan Yurou's life in jeopardy?It's too enviable and jealous.

Mo Xiaotong felt sour in his heart.

Later, Yuan Yurou saw that Shen Donghe's eyes finally fell on her.

Clear and cold, without any emotion.

Yuan Yurou suddenly felt her atrium contract suddenly, as if her whole body was being suppressed by a mountain.

until he looked away.The pressure on Yuan Yurou's body dropped suddenly, and she was relieved, but she didn't know why, and she felt a little bit unwilling: "It's like this again! It's the second time! He still doesn't care about me. Could it be that I am not beautiful enough? But I am more beautiful than him. That woman is much more beautiful!"

Ever since she was a child, Yuan Yurou has been quite confident in her appearance and figure.Men always look at her with fiery and admiring gazes, and she has a noble and princess-like demeanor in every gesture, which makes men even more coveted.

Only the man in front of me.From the first time we met until now, his eyes were empty.No wonder, no liking, not even disgust.Looking at her is like looking at clay sculptures and wood carvings, not to mention liking, not even the slightest fluctuation.

Yuan Yurou was extremely puzzled, unconsciously, her gaze was fixed on Shen Donghe.

"This time, these two represent our Maoshan Sect to protect the safety of your archaeological team." The representative introduced Shen Donghe and Mo Xiaotong to several people, "Shen Daoist, and Mo Daoist."

While he was talking, Yuan Yurou also looked at Shen Donghe with a correct gaze, and said with a smile: "Last time, it seems that I met two fellow daoists during the Yin Master Competition last time. Fellow daoist Shen is very powerful, and Yurou still remembers it vividly." , It's really a fate!"

(End of this chapter)

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