my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 689 Take Out Evidence

Chapter 689 Take Out Evidence
"When the aliens invaded, the Yin masters of this lineage of the corpse Yin sect also came to Huaguo. At that time, they established a very hidden underground research institute in this mountain to refine zombies and conduct various researches on sorcery. ..."

"Later, the alien race was defeated, and the Yin masters of the Corpse Yin Sect disappeared for some reason, leaving only the underground research institute and the many zombies inside. In order to prevent the zombies from coming out to cause harm to the world, our five immortal families lost a lot. It took only one life to seal the research institute. If you break into the mountain without permission, in case you accidentally break the seal..."

Hu Sangu's vicissitudes old face showed a smile that was not a smile, "Not only will you die, but it may even cause a catastrophe!"

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing whether her words were true or not.

Only Shen Donghe remained calm.

" can you prove that what you said is the truth?" After a long silence, Zhang Haiyang finally spoke.

Sangu Hu shook her head lightly, sighed and said, "I knew you would ask such a question, and I have already prepared the evidence." Then she turned to look at Hu Changshou, "Changshou, take out all those things, Let them see..."

Hu Changshou responded, took out a folder from somewhere, and threw it to Zhang Haiyang with a wave.

Zhang Haiyang opened it carefully, and couldn't help trembling.

In this folder is a well-organized file and information.

It records the process of several great fairy families in the north jointly sealing the research institute at that time, and there are many monsters' signatures to prove it.At the same time, I also brought a lot of photos. From these photos, it can be seen that it looks like an old-fashioned military research institute, with many long glass cabinets inside.

And in every cabinet lay a dead body!
Several photographs were taken of the bodies in these cabinets.

These corpses are very different from ordinary corpses, because they all have slightly blue complexions, sharp nails, and two long and sharp teeth protruding from their mouths!

With trembling hands, Zhang Haiyang looked over page by page.After reading it, he handed the folder to the rest of the archaeological team.

After everyone had read it, Hu Changshou waved his hand, and the folder automatically returned to his hand.

"These evidences are enough..." Hu Sangu looked around for a week and said slowly.

Zhang Haiyang sighed, nodded, and said in a heavy tone: "I believe you." These photos and documents are a bit old and not new, so it is impossible for the other party to deliberately forge evidence in order to deceive them What.

"That's good. You guys can go back when it dawns tomorrow." After Sangu Hu finished speaking, she was supported by Hu Changshou, and she walked slowly into the darkness amidst the harsh and strange ringing of the bell.

After the two demons leave.

Zhang Haiyang lowered his head and was silent for a long time.

Tang Jiajia plucked up the courage to go over and ask, "Teacher, are you okay?"

She knew that Zhang Haiyang had always been very confident in her research, firmly believed that there was an underground palace here, and made a lot of preparations before coming here to investigate, but she did not expect such a result. It is no wonder that the latter is not disappointed.

But Wang Bin breathed a sigh of relief: "It sounds really scary. Fortunately, they came to tell us, otherwise we accidentally broke in, and we might be torn to pieces by those zombies."

After a long time, Zhang Haiyang raised his head, forced a smile and said, "It's okay, we're going back tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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