my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 699 Wen Yu's Apology

Chapter 699 Wen Yu's Apology

For two consecutive days, whenever Tao Xiaolu closed her eyes, she would be haunted by the same nightmare.

She cried so much that her voice was so hoarse that she couldn't cry, her whole body would just keep shaking, no matter how her parents comforted her, it had no effect.

Tonight, Tao Xiaolu developed a high fever.

High fever of 40.5 degrees.

Tao Xiaolu's parents hurriedly sent her to the hospital, and after a lot of tossing and water infusion, the temperature was finally brought down.I also consulted the doctor about the cause of the nightmare, and the doctor couldn't see much, but prescribed a lot of calming and tranquilizing drugs.

It was already midnight when he came back with Tao Xiaolu in his arms.

Maybe it's the medicine, or maybe it's the exhaustion.Tao Xiaolu's nightmare didn't stop, but her reaction was not so violent, she just trembled slightly and occasionally twitched a few times.

"How could it be like this, Xiao Lu was fine at first, why did he always have nightmares all of a sudden?"

Tao Xiaolu's mother kept wiping away her tears.

In just a few days, my daughter, who used to be lively, cheerful and lovely, is now extremely haggard, as if she had suffered a serious illness.

They put Tao Xiaolu on the small bed.But he didn't dare to leave too far, and stood aside to prevent Tao Xiaolu from having another nightmare.

Where they couldn't see, a black thread quietly penetrated the wall and entered the house.

"Am I a little too much?"

Wen Yu saw all this in his eyes, and suddenly felt a little dazed.

Looking at the small face that was originally round like an apple, it became pale, haggard and lifeless at the moment.

He found that revenge was not as happy as he had imagined, and even his heart became heavy.

"Although this little girl is very annoying, the punishment is enough." Wen Yu pursed her lips, and after saying something comforting in her heart, she directed Hei Si to sink into Tao Xiaolu's eyebrows, wanting to take back the nightmare.

Why not?

Wen Yu's black eyes were fixed, and he realized that his control over Mengmaisi was intermittent.

Too bad, she must have had too many nightmares in the past few days, and her weak soul couldn't bear it, that's why she became like this.

And his current ability is limited, if he wants to solve it, he must pass the nightmare itself.

"It's really troublesome..."

Wen Yu muttered something in her heart, quietly walked to the door of the second bedroom, opened the door and looked outside.

The cat ghost is using four paws and a tail, typing and cursing quickly while playing games on the mobile phone.

"...Wow, haha, you rookies! You stupid idiots! Come and bite me!..."

Mr. Gui was watching TV, grinning silly.

Wen Yu hesitated for a long time, but gave up on asking them for help.

Otherwise, when Mo Xiaotong and Shen Donghe come back, they will definitely know about it.

At this moment, Wen Yu's mood is like that of a child who has done something wrong, afraid of being known by adults, and trying to cover up his mistakes as much as possible.

Walking to the window, Wen Yu released many nightmare threads, making them entangled together to form a rope ladder, extending all the way to the window of Tao Xiaolu's room.

Then, along the nightmare thread, he climbed lightly to Tao Xiaolu's window, and shot out two more nightmare threads, making Tao Xiaolu's parents enter the dreamland.

He just pushed open the window, climbed in gently, and stood in front of Tao Xiaolu's bed.

Immediately, he entered Tao Xiaolu's nightmare.

In the space of just two days, this nightmare has only grown more terrifying.

In the extreme silence and darkness, Tao Xiaolu curled up in a corner.

Not far away, a broken doll tilted its head, opened its mouth full of sharp teeth, and even held a sharp fruit knife in its hand, which flickered from time to time while turning.

It walked very slowly and staggered, with a clear trail of blood behind it, and two long blood stains oozing from those originally beautiful eyes, its head turned slowly, and its ugly and chilling face suddenly Aligned in the direction of Tao Xiaolu!

"Hee hee hee--"

Sharp laughter came and echoed in the darkness, and the doll ran quickly with a fruit knife in hand.


Tao Xiaolu closed her eyes tightly and let out a heart-piercing scream.

"Go away!"

Wen Yu suddenly appeared, and with a wave of his little hand, he patted the doll into a cloud of black smoke and scattered it away.

Tao Xiaolu opened her frightened eyes wide and stared at him closely.

The next moment, Wen Yu collected all of the nightmares, leaving nothing behind.

Then, he turned to look at Tao Xiaolu, hesitated for a moment, guilt flashed in his black eyes, and reached out to hold her soft little hand.

"come out."

Pull her out of the dream.

He glanced at Tao Xiaolu who was lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully for the first time in two days.

I'm sorry, Wen Yu said secretly from the bottom of her heart.

Then, he returned to his bedroom along the same road.

(End of this chapter)

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