Chapter 806

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaotong's heart softened instantly, his eyes fixed on him, and unconsciously, he gave a soft "hmm."

After finishing speaking, both she and Shen Donghe were slightly taken aback.

"...I can talk now?" Mo Xiaotong opened his eyes in disbelief, and then popped out another sentence.

She didn't know how long she hadn't spoken, her voice was slightly hoarse.

"Yes, you can talk now." Shen Donghe sighed.

The woman could finally speak.

During this period of time, the absence of her chirping voice made him feel so uncomfortable that he almost went crazy.

Mo Xiaotong asked gently: "How long have I been asleep?"

Shen Donghe was slightly stunned, and said slowly: "If you calculate based on the time you woke up last time, it is more than four days. But if you calculate the total number of days, it is more than 30 days."

Then it was no surprise to see Mo Xiaotong opening his mouth slightly, his face full of astonishment.

More than 30 days!

It's already June now!
No wonder, she obviously felt that the weather was much hotter than before!
It turned out that she had slept for so long!

Also, has Shen Donghe been guarding her for more than 30 days like this?
Mo Xiaotong said "ah", with tears rolling in his eyes, he choked slightly and said, "It's been so long, I miss you so much!"

Shen Donghe laughed and said, "It's not too long!"

Mo Xiaotong pursed his lips and said: "A year is only about ten or thirty days, and a lifetime is only more than a hundred years. To me, it is a long time!"

Shen Donghe said: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Mo Xiaotong: "Hold me up, I want to lean on you."

She just regained the ability to speak, and she can move her fingertips a little bit, but her limbs are still too weak to make such big movements.

So Shen Donghe stretched out his hand to hug her up, changing her posture from lying flat to leaning against his arms.

Mo Xiaotong was hugged by him, and in his firm embrace, he sighed contentedly, and asked again: "What's going on?"

Shen Donghe told the story slowly.

After listening, Mo Xiao sighed childlikely, and said gratefully at the same time: "This time I really want to thank the ancestor."

Suddenly, her thin eyebrows frowned, and she asked again: "Yuan did you deal with her afterwards?"

"I was busy saving you at the time, so I killed her directly. In fact, I should have kept her and cut her into pieces."

Shen Donghe hugged her hard, felt her breath, and felt that his whole heart was complete.

"However, I asked Gou Sheng to visit later, and her body was still there. It was an abandoned factory building with no one there, so Gou Sheng burned it down, and Yuan Yurou's body naturally also burned."

"She is a disciple of Tianshizong..." Mo Xiaotong looked at him worriedly, "Tianshizong won't come to make trouble."

"I used to look at Lian Zhen's face, I didn't care about them."

Shen Donghe's eyes turned cold, and he said, "When you're completely cured, even if they don't come, I'll go find them."

In the past, he came here because he cared about his relationship with Lian Zhen in the past, and because he didn't like to cause trouble, so he always took a tolerant attitude towards Tianshizong.

But this time Mo Xiaotong had an accident. During her deep sleep, Shen Donghe introspected many times and decided to nip all dangerous factors in the bud.

The tone of these few words was flat, but the moment they were spoken, the gentleness in Shen Donghe's body disappeared, and his aura was fierce and cold.

(End of this chapter)

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