my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 83 The People Behind the Scenes

Chapter 83 The People Behind the Scenes
Shen Donghe opened the door and got out of the car.

He raised his head, glanced at the dark Plum Blossom Mountain, moved slightly, and instantly disappeared into the night.

Looking at his disappearing figure, Mo Xiaotong felt a little nervous for some reason, but since Shen Donghe told her to stay in the car, it should be safe here.

In order to distract his attention and stop thinking about it, Mo Xiaotong took out his mobile phone, lowered his head and played a small game.

Plum Blossom Mountain is not high.

A two-meter-wide stone-step road winds its way to the top.

In addition to this main road, there are some extended small roads leading to different places.

There are some old-fashioned small houses with blue tiles and white walls scattered in the mountains, which are extremely inconspicuous.

But on the edge of Lake X, where every inch of land is expensive, the value of this yard can be said to be sky-high, and they are all private residences of some dignitaries or rich people.

Shen Donghe's goal is one of them.

No need to follow the addresses given by Cang Yan to search one by one, he will see them with a glance.

Because the evil spirit in that house is too strong.

In his eyes, it looks like a famous elegant Feng Shui painting, but it is stained with a large group of ink stains, which is extremely eye-catching.

There is a strict security system around the house, and it can be said that not a single fly can fly in.

But to Shen Donghe, it was completely useless, as if returning to 1202, he walked in easily and naturally.

No one or anything could catch his trace.

Shen Donghe walked into the master bedroom upstairs, which was also the place with the most evil spirit in the whole house.

I saw a middle-aged man lying inside.

But not in bed, but on the marble floor.

If someone who often reads the news of City H, they may be able to find that this face belongs to an important leader of City H, and it often appears on various local media in City H.It's just that at that time, he was surrounded by the crowd in high spirits, but now his eyesight was lost, his breath was gone, and he turned into a corpse.

After looking around the room, Shen Donghe walked up to the middle-aged man after not finding any other abnormalities.

With a wave of his hand, the middle-aged man floated up.

Shen Donghe frowned slightly, he felt that the vitality in the opponent's body had been cut off, and the three souls and six souls had almost disappeared.

A light blue aura burst out from Shen Donghe's palm, covering the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man suddenly let out a low moan!
"Who is the person behind you?" Shen Donghe asked concisely.

The middle-aged man opened his eyes, but his eyes were dull, he just murmured a word with unknown meaning: "No, no..."

"None? Or a witch?"

Shen Donghe frowned, or is it another word with the same pronunciation?But no matter how he urged, the middle-aged man just repeated this tone from beginning to end.

After a while, Shen Donghe stood up, and the light blue breath in his hand also dissipated.

With the disappearance of the light blue aura, the moaning of the middle-aged man stopped abruptly, and the last bit of remnant soul was completely wiped out.

Great tool.

The striker should have just left, and because he came, he was in a hurry, otherwise the middle-aged man would not have left such a residual soul.

But such a broken soul can't get anything useful from it.

Could it be that the other party is the "nothing" that middle-aged people say?
Suddenly, without any warning, Shen Donghe's figure moved, and his right hand grabbed a black shadow outside the window.

"Enough is enough!" He snorted.

 The author is very tired today, I need some recommendation tickets to cheer me up


(End of this chapter)

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