my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 831 A Worthless Purse

Chapter 831 A Worthless Broken Purse
Mo Xiaotong's grandmother, Xu Mei, has two sons and two daughters.

The eldest daughter is Mo Xiaotong's mother Guo Yulan, the second son is Guo Zhihong, the third son Guo Zhigang, and the youngest daughter is Mo Xiaotong's aunt Guo Yuxia.

Grandpa passed away more than ten years ago, now Xu Mei lives in Guo Zhihong's house, and the rest of the children pay a monthly alimony.

When Mo Xiaotong and his parents arrived at Guo Zhihong's home, his uncle Guo Zhigang's family had already arrived.

Xu Mei, who was surrounded by her two sons and grandchildren, had a beaming smile on her old face.

But when she saw Mo Xiaotong's family coming in, her face immediately turned serious.

"Mom, Xianbing, I, and Tongtong are here to celebrate your birthday." Guo Yulan pretended not to see Xu Mei's expression, and while smiling, handed over two boxes of wild ginseng in her hand: "This is Xianbing and I gave you a gift. I wish you blessings like the East China Sea, and your life is better than Nanshan."

These two boxes of wild ginseng were genuine products that Guo Yulan bought through her relationship, and cost a small 1 yuan.

Xu Mei also knows the goods. She glanced at the valuable wild ginseng, then snorted, her face softened a little, and she showed a hypocritical smile: "You guys have a heart."

Then the cane tapped the seat on one side, "Put the things down first, and sit down."

Guo Yulan took the initiative to pull Mo Xiaotong in front of Xu Mei, and said, "Tongtong, what are you doing in a daze, what about the birthday gift you gave grandma?"

When they were at home before, they asked Mo Xiaotong what he had prepared for the always picky Xu Mei.

But Mo Xiaotong just laughed and said that it was a good thing, but he refused to show it to them.

It's all in front of Xu Mei now, so it's time to take it out.

"It's Tongtong..." Xu Mei heard the words, her cloudy eyes sized up the girl in front of her who was almost unrecognizable.

Although she has always disliked Mo Xiaotong, Xu Mei found that after not seeing her for a few years, this granddaughter seemed to be a little different from what she remembered, and her overall temperament seemed extraordinarily extraordinary.

Hmph, no matter what, she is also the child of Guo Yulan and Mo Xianbing, so she doesn't like it!

However, I have to see for myself what gift she will come up with.

Guo Yulan and Mo Xianbing's gifts are not too light, so she must not be too bad either!

Mo Xiaotong coughed lightly, took out something in his bag, found something, walked up to Xu Mei, bent over, and spoke with a smile.

"Grandma, this is for you. I wish you a long life!"

Everyone's eyes looked over.

In the palm of Mo Xiaotong's hand, there was an ordinary purse embroidered with red background and gold thread, with a tassel tassel of the same color hanging from the bottom.

This small pouch is not as big as a baby's fist. Although the workmanship is exquisite, it only costs a few tens of dollars at most. There are no protrusions on the flat surface, and it looks empty inside.

The smile on Xu Mei's face disappeared immediately.

"This is your birthday gift for grandma?" Guo Yulan took a breath and asked Mo Xiaotong hurriedly, "Tongtong, are you right?"

Mo Xiaotong looked at Guo Yulan in surprise, and said, "How can I make a mistake, this gift took me a few days to figure out, and it is it."

Guo Yulan and Mo Xianbing immediately looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Xu Mei's expression suddenly became more serious!

If it wasn't for the fact that today's meaning is different from usual, I'm afraid she will get angry immediately!
How dare you take out a worthless purse?

(End of this chapter)

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