my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 85 Who Are You?

Chapter 85 Who Are You?

The opponent's face was hidden in the darkness, Mo Xiaotong couldn't see it clearly, but judging from the opponent's clothes and figure, it seemed to be Shen Donghe.

"Come down, I have something for you."

She heard Shen Donghe's voice again.

Should be right.

"You're finally back, I'm so bored waiting." Mo Xiaotong stretched out his hand and opened the car door with a smile.

But the moment she bent down to get out of the car, she suddenly felt a pain in the back of her head, and her eyes fell into darkness...


As for Shen Donghe, what he saw was this scene.

"Look, she is just a mortal, how fragile and insignificant her life is." Hei Ying said slowly, "Like an ant on my fingertip, as long as I think about it, it doesn't take much effort to crush it to death." ..."

Shen Donghe suddenly smiled: "What does her life have to do with me?"

Sombra said, "Really?"

Shen Donghe said calmly: "You can try it."

"Actually, you know, with your strange power, I can't endanger her life." Soi Ying also smiled, "But I don't need to kill her, I just need to destroy the seal of the pure yin and clean body to make her life Breathe out, what do you think will happen?"

After the words fell, Shen Donghe's always calm eyes showed disbelief.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Yin and evil ghosts, the yin qi in the body is mixed with a lot of resentment, evil and evil spirits, which are almost inseparable, harmful to the cultivation base, and even bring various disasters.But if you use the pure yin and clean body as a furnace or drink its fresh blood, you can purify these resentful and evil spirits, your cultivation can improve by leaps and bounds, and all kinds of disasters will be greatly reduced.

In addition, although the pure yin Wushou body is yin in nature, but because of its purification power, if it is blessed on various talismans or magic weapons, it can greatly increase the lethality against yin and evil ghosts, and cultivate yin attributes His skills are also advancing rapidly.Therefore, apart from yin and evil ghosts, several orthodox sects in the world also attach great importance to the pure yin and clean body,

But it has one biggest drawback.

Before the age of 24, a woman with a pure yin and clean body will naturally exude a fatal attraction to all kinds of evil ghosts, so most of them die early, or become the furnace or body of evil ghosts.And even if they can grow up smoothly, once the virgin body is broken before the age of 24, the fate of the pure yin and clean body will gradually disappear.

Only after the age of 24, the fate of the pure yin and clean body will gradually stabilize, and the breath will disappear automatically, just like ordinary people.

Therefore, once people in the righteous way of the world discover the existence of the pure yin and clean body, they will try their best to protect it, and the fate seal on Mo Xiaotong should be set by some people in the way of the celestial master to protect her.

As the black shadow said, as long as the seal of fate of the pure Yin Wushou body is broken, countless evil ghosts will come upon hearing the news.

At that time, unless Shen Donghe guards Mo Xiaotong every step of the way, something will happen to Mo Xiaotong.

"How do you know that her fate is a pure yin and clean body, and how do you know that her fate is sealed?" Shen Donghe stared at the shadow and asked coldly.

"I've said it before, I know far more than you imagined." The black shadow said quietly.

"Who the hell are you?" Shen Donghe's eyes were piercing, "Which one of the fourteen star masters of the Heavenly Master?"

How can ordinary people be able to break the seal of fate, and only they have the possibility to have this ability.

Heiying smiled: "Shen Donghe, don't make random guesses. Maybe I'm just talking nonsense, and I don't have the ability at all. You can try it too."

Shen Donghe said coldly: "Don't you understand what a pure yin and clean body means to the Tao of Heavenly Masters? If you touch her, you are not afraid that they will make trouble for you?"

"Hehe, if possible, I don't want to offend those old things. However, the world is so big, there is not only one woman with pure yin and no dirt. At most, I will find another one to compensate them."

After a while, Shen Donghe frowned: "What exactly do you want?" At this moment, he really felt a dilemma.

"To express that we have no hostility towards you, this is the end of tonight's affairs." The black shadow laughed, and his figure gradually disappeared into the void, leaving only the hoarse voice echoing in the night sky.

"Again, we won't mess with you, and you don't want to interfere with us..."

 Tomorrow's chapters will be a transitional daily routine of flirting with the male protagonist. You can watch them together at night and start a new plot the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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