my neighbor is a zombie

Chapter 862 Just a try (1th update)

Chapter 862 Just Try It (Fifth)
After enough nonsense, it was already night, and Mo Xiaotong began to absorb the power of the lunar star.

Seeing the milky white lunar star power entering the soul sea, it was immediately absorbed by the phantom of the lunar star in the soul sea.

For some reason, a strange idea suddenly popped into her mind!

I don't know if using the power of the lunar star can refine Hetu?

Just give it a shouldn't go wrong, right?

Do it when you think of it.

Mo Xiaotong saw that Shen Donghe seemed to be concentrating on reading, so he quietly picked up the river map, and then stuck it between his eyebrows, tentatively using the power of the lunar star in the sea of ​​souls, to drill into the river map.

It went in very smoothly.

It's just that her lunar star power is weaker than her soul power, and it's like a speck of dust drifting with the wind in the river map.

"It's really possible!" Mo Xiaotong couldn't help opening his mouth, his face full of shock.

Shen Donghe's soul consciousness has been paying attention to her actions, put down the book at this moment, frowned and looked at her: "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I just want to try, can it be refined with star power..."

The word "Hetu" has not yet been exported.

Suddenly, a sudden change happened!

Without warning, a force that seemed to have been hiding in the deepest part of the Hetu and had been huddled in a ball, felt the breath of Mo Xiaotong's lunar star power that was close at hand, and unexpectedly conveyed that it was about to move. signal of.

In the next moment, they surged out frantically!
This feeling is like a large pile of extremely dry sawdust suddenly meeting a faint spark.

The size of this spark is insignificant compared with this pile of sawdust.

But it was this insignificant spark that ignited it completely in an instant, turning it into a monstrous flame that burned everything!

A wave of lunar star power that was countless times stronger than Mo Xiaotong's lunar star power was extremely surging, and poured out towards Mo Xiaotong's soul sea!

Mo Xiaotong took a deep breath and was dumbfounded!

So much lunar star power!

God!Is this going to blow up my sister's sea of ​​souls alive? !

At this time, Shen Donghe also frowned and let out a sigh. This kind of change was obviously beyond his expectation. He immediately reacted, took the river map away with one hand, and on the other hand tried to control these lunar star forces with his soul power, so that Don't go too fast with them.

But it was still a step too late, the lunar star power had already rushed directly into Mo Xiaotong's soul sea.

This batch of lunar star power is too much, Shen Donghe saw the phantom of the lunar star in Mo Xiao's child soul sea quickly start to solidify from illusion, getting closer and closer to reality...


In just a moment, a shiny and white lunar star emerged in her soul sea, exuding the light of the moonlight, and an incomparably mysterious rune wrapped around this lunar star in her soul sea. star.

This rune is the inheritance talent of the Lunar Star Lord - the highest kindness is like water!
Goodness is like water.

Water benefits all things without fighting.

Water can nourish all things, which symbolizes that the power of the lunar star can nourish the most important soul of all spirits.

But if it is not the Lunar Star Lord, even if you have the Lunar Star Power, you can only use it on yourself, and it cannot be used to heal others.

Only with the superior goodness of the Taiyin star master, can he use the Taiyin star power on others, and can freely convert the soul power and Taiyin star power.

At the same time, the full moon on the sky burst into full bloom, exuding an incomparably bright milky-white light, which actually illuminated the world like daylight in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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