Chapter 87

Oh, I'm reading again, why is this zombie so boring.

If you have nothing to do and you don’t know, come and talk to me, talk about love, talk about love and so on.

Forget it, on the battlefield, you must learn how the enemy retreats and we advance, taking advantage of the victory to pursue.

The love field is like a battlefield, so there is a reason.

Since the enemy is unwilling to attack, let our army take the initiative to attack!

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaotong was about to open the door and go out.

Drop drop drop-

A QQ vibration pulled her back.

Looking at the flashing profile picture again, it was Yao Caishan's number.

"No, do me a favor."

"What's the matter, girl." Mo Xiaotong sat down and replied.

"There are too many things these days. I forgot to sort out everything in the lesson plans. There are also some PPTs that have not been classified. You can help me sort them according to the date and progress. I will use them in class in a few days."

"Okay, you can send me the file." Mo Xiaotong is probably the most idle faculty and staff in this school, and it is imperative for girlfriends to do so at this time.

Yao Caishan sent a network disk over, and there were hundreds of gigabytes of files in it. Mo Xiaotong began to sort it out slowly, and the whole morning passed like this.

When noon was approaching the lunch break, Yao Caishan sent a message saying that she was too busy and asked her colleagues to bring meals, so she would not come to the cafeteria with Mo Xiaotong.

So Mo Xiaotong pushed the door out, invited Shen Donghe and said, "Doctor Shen, let's have dinner together?"

Shen Donghe showed hesitation.

"Let's go, Shanshan isn't here, I'm bored eating alone." Mo Xiaotong bit his lip and looked at him pitifully.


School cafeteria.

"Doctor Shen, what do you want to eat?" Mo Xiaotong stood in front of the order window holding a tray, and turned to ask Shen Donghe behind him.

"Whatever." Shen Donghe said.

Anyway, whatever he eats tastes pretty much the same.

"Then you are really easy to support." Mo Xiaotong said, "Then I will be the master and help you order."

"Well, one sweet and sour pork tenderloin, one tomato scrambled egg, one mapo tofu, and one fish head with chopped pepper. Two bowls of seaweed soup and two servings of rice." Mo Xiaotong ordered a few dishes. She is from W City. The taste is on the spicy side.

The dishes in the cafeteria are all served in small portions, so although the quantity is quite large, it can fit on a tray.

When Mo Xiaotong put the dishes on the tray, the other hand took out the card to swipe.

Shen Donghe stretched out his hand and swiped his card on the credit card machine.

Then he picked up the tray steadily with the other hand and walked towards an empty table.

Mo Xiaotong brought two servings of rice and chopsticks, sat across from Shen Donghe, and handed him a bowl of rice and a pair of chopsticks.

Shen Donghe glanced at her and said, "Which dishes are yours? You take them first, and just give me the rest."

"These are all my favorite food, can't we eat together?" Mo Xiaotong was puzzled.Because Shen Donghe said it was casual, she chose all the dishes according to her own taste.

After asking several consecutive questions, Shen Donghe said helplessly:
"Our relationship doesn't seem to be at the point where we can eat each other's saliva."

To put it bluntly, it was his cleanliness!

So he doesn't like to eat with others. Even if it is unavoidable to eat together, he tries to eat separately as much as possible.

But he said so many words, but Mo Xiaotong only listened to the words "eating each other's saliva".

Are you slobbering each other...

Isn't that the same as KISS, or a French kiss?
Oh, it's so embarrassing to think about it!

It's too exciting (stimulating) aggressive (radical).

But she likes it, hehehehe...

Shen Donghe looked at Mo Xiaotong who had been in a state of inexplicable smirking with the eyes of an idiot:
This woman's thinking probably doesn't know where it has gone.

However, in the end, Mo Xiaotong finally understood what Shen Donghe meant.

"Okay then, I'll eat mapo tofu and fish head with chopped pepper." Mo Xiaotong brought these two dishes in front of him, and pushed the rest to Shen Donghe.

Anyway, being able to eat at the same table can be regarded as a big step forward in the process of attacking Shen Donghe.

But it seems that there is still a long way to go before the success of the revolution.

Comrade Mo Xiaotong, you still need unremitting efforts!
(End of this chapter)

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